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Leah's POV

I woke in a white hospital room. It smelt of the usual hospital chemicals, however it looked far more modern than I had seen before, even in the tower. Had I done a Captain America?
     I sat up slowly, balancing on my elbows as I pushed myself up. Soon a girl around my age with space buns walked in. She smiled at me, making me feel calmer than I did before.
      "My names Shuri, Princess of Wakanda. I'm here to help you with your recovery and sorting out your little problem." She smiled. She sat down in a chair next to me quickly and leaned forward. "So now that we've got that out of the way, how do you feel about memes, pranks etc?"

         Soon we had fixed our plan up. We had 'spilt' olive oil in front of her brothers door. After he had slipped on the olive oil, there was a sensor that would cover him in bright pink glitter glue that we had melted down. Finally, Shuri had somehow managed to get a bunch of cat hair which we would poor over him as he entered the lab.
           We were sat in the lab chatting about tech and the stuff that we had invented. I was particularly engaged in her explanation of how she made Tchalla's suit, and she was showing me the video of him flying backwards when we heard a yell, that sounded suspiciously like 'Shuri!' We took that as our cue to get on the chairs and we both grabbed our buckets full of cat hair.
               "How did you even get this much cat hair?" I whispered.
               "One thing that I've learnt is that you can get literally anything if you say that it is to prank Tchalla. The Milaje are always up for it, so are most of the population. I've gotten access to pigs intestines once, not even for a prank, I just wanted to poke them for a bit."
                  "Morbid curiosity. Get ready for it!" she said as we heard the glue splatter onto the floor and a groan of annoyance.
                The doors burst open and we threw the cat hairs over the man who just sighed and let it happen.
"Shuri, whyyyyyy?" The man wined.
"Leah, this is my brother, the king. Don't worry about any consequences, he enjoys this kind of stuff really, don't ya!"
He just sighed "I'm going to take a shower, clean this up, and take Leah to where she's going to be staying until her treatment is done."
"Wait, treatment? I know I was here for something but no ones actually told me why." The two siblings looked at me with shock.
"I'm not explaining this." T'challa said, walking out to take his shower.
"Well, you know how you have the other you, it kind of took over you for almost a month. You're here so we can try to merge both you and the other you. Is that okay?" Shuri said gently.
"Why merge it with me though? I hate it, I don't want it anywhere near me!"
"We can't destroy it. Merging it is the best we can do, you'll keep your personality, just attain its skills and maybe a few habits it had, that's it. I promise!"
"I trusted you are you're going to force me to have that become a part of me!"
"It was either that or you'd be trapped in solitary until you turned 18! Tony decided this was better than that!"
I was silent. "C-can you just take me to where I'm staying please?"
"Sure." She said, I could see the pity in her eyes as she led me through the halls of the palace. "Here you are, your dad, Fury and Bucky will be here in a month, I've been working on creating a link so you can talk to Tony whenever, I'll see you tomorrow." She said closing the door.
I sat on the bed of the grey room and cried.

Wow, finally a new chapter, who'd of thunk it.
Sorry for the lack of chapters, I've just not been able to find time to sit down and write considering I've been 'studying' for my GCSE's and trying to have a social life lol.
Thanks for reading, I'd appreciate if you guys gave me some advice on how I could improve my writing, that would be great!

CJ x

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildWhere stories live. Discover now