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Tony's POV

I stood over my daughter as she lay on the grated floor. Her body was limp and her eyes were still moving around the room quickly, as though trying to calculate her way out of the problem. I crouched down to her level and stroked her hair.
         "I'm sorry they did this to you Leah, I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough." I told her before pulling her limp body into me. This wasn't fair, was she even going to be herself again?
          "Tony," one agent tapped me on the shoulder, "we need to take her to the padded cell. It's better for her health incase anything like this happens again."
          I nodded, handing her body to one of the agents who took her to wherever she was going to be kept in isolation. Natasha put her hand gently on my shoulder and told me that Fury wanted to talk to me about something. She seemed mad about it, so clearly it wasn't good.

           Fury sat imposingly at his desk, staring me down as I sat in front of him.
           "Tony, we're here to discuss what we are going to do about your daughters situation. She's a risk to the general population, if Parker wasn't an enhanced being, his injuries could have been fatal. We have two options, either she joins S.H.I.E.L.D or she we keep her in isolation until she becomes 21. Either way, she's not going to be allowed to return to Stark Tower unless you can find another way you can make her safe."
               "Trust me eyepatch, I'll find another way, even if you think it's impossible. Impossible is my specialty, so I'll find a way, I'll find it." I replied, standing up and walking out. I refuse my daughter to be destroyed by this god damn organisation that think she's a threat because of Hydra.

                I hopped in my car and called Bucky, who after a trip hadn't had as many breakdowns. "Tony, wassup?" He asked, seemingly out of breath.
             "Leah, S.H.I.E.L.D's got her. I need to get her back but I need to find a better way to help her than them." At this point I began to break down, "I don't know how. They want to make her a weapon. She's my baby Bucky. I don't want her to be like that. I want her to have a choice, I don't want her to be forced to become something she isn't because of something out of her control. I just want her back at home."
               "Tony, I'll see what I can do. I know a few people who might be able to help, however it'll take a while to figure everything out. I'll get back to you the second I hear back from them."
                Bucky hung up the phone and I lay my head on the steering wheel.
             I cried.

Asset L's POV
           I was sat in the corner of the padded room, my head slumped forward looking at my fingers which had began twitching as they regained feeling. I felt the anger boil up inside of me as I was able to twitch each muscle in my body.
            Jumping up, I hit the door, however the sound was muffled by the softness of the walls. Eventually, I gave up, knowing that it was pointless to even try to escape or just die. I slumped into a corner and curled up into a ball of defeat.

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz