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Third Person POV
Leah walked in the train and found the small compartment that she had purchased for the long ride back to New York. The room had one bed and a small cupboard which had a small handheld mirror in it. She found it funny that this would be her residence for the better part of 3 days (this is actually how long it takes to go from Portland to New York by train!). Luckily she didn't have to give ID to buy the ticket or she'd probably be stuck in Oregon until she could remember Tony's number and ask him to come pick her up, and she would rather just turn up in the penthouse with Starbucks to annoy him.
She sat on the bed, already slightly bored. She had nothing to keep her entertained the entire journey until they arrived at the next station which was a day away.
She began analysing the room, the small cracks in the corners and the clip on the window that kept bugs from crawling into the small room. It was plain, flat and generally an awful situation for a genius who had been trapped in confinement for over a year.
She sat for what she believed for around two minuets before realising there was a bunk above the bed she was sitting on, so she moved up to it, feeling more secure being higher up, knowing that if anyone walked in, they wouldn't initially notice her. Just on cue, a young woman with long brown hair and two defining moles walked into the compartment. She placed her large suitcase on the lower bed before looking around, and then consequently falling onto the bed when the train started moving, causing Leah to giggle slightly.
The woman noticed this and instantly freaked out. "Who's there?!" She exclaimed. Leah decided to have a little fun with the woman, and so lent over the edge of the bed, and yelling "I am" before jumping onto the floor.
The tall woman freaked out, grabbing her umbrella that was strapped to the top of her suitcase and swinging it at Leah.
Leah dodged and instantly screamed "woah woah, it's a shared compartment, there are bunk beds woman!"
"I am so sorry. I just got a bit freaked out, you shouldn't do that to people kid, you'll freak them out!"
"It's cool. I was just bored."
"Yeah, I guess that makes perfect sense." She muttered under her breath at the teenage girl. "Where are your parents anyway. Shouldn't you be travelling with them?"
"Well my mother's dead, so I'd need a Ouija board to even talk to her. And my dad is either in New York, Washington or Malibu, depends on what he's feeling. Though he did go to LA once, just for the heck of it. So, what's your name, should probably know it if we're going to be sharing a carriage until we get to New York." The Stark heir said to the now stunned woman.
"Oh... Erm, it's Jane, Jane Foster. What's your name?"
"Not gonna tell me your last name then?"
"I would, but the last people I told my last name to abducted me, so I'd rather not."
"O-Kay" Jane said, intrigued by the mysterious girl. "So what does your dad do for a living?"
"He invents stuff and he does some freelance stuff for the government sometimes." Leah replied, climbing back onto the top bunk and undoing her small backpack of limited clothes and her $100. She'd have to save it, one meal a day and some snacks at each station, if she could afford it. She slumped back on the bed, sighing. "So, Jane, what do you do? You seem like you do something interesting. Something to do with space and the sky."
"Yeah actually. I'm actually one of the worlds leading astrologists. I'm going to a conference in New York and then doing a book signing. I'm hoping to see an old friend while I'm there actually. What you gonna do when you get to New York?"
"Well, I'm probably gonna chill at home for a bit, then catch up with my courses. I'm hoping to still graduate MIT this year still, but I've had like a year off, so it might not happen and I'll be defeated by Dad in the early graduation department. I'm still gonna get more PHDs than him though, I can promise him that!" Leah said, her ambition filling her voice. Jane smiled and then realised what she said.
"Wait, your graduating MIT this year? How old are you?!"
"Oh, 16."
"Holy moley! How is that even possible?"
"With a genius IQ and a dedication to studying and inventing."

The next days flew by. Jane taught Leah about the constellations from the train window and about the research she did into lightning and how the atmosphere manages to generate enough static electricity to kill a person. Leah found it fascinating and Jane was more happy to have someone who was willing to listen to her about her research and want to openly discuss what else she could study and they themselves having hypothesis' on the subject.
Leah bought some invention stuff from a convenience store at the first stop in the trip, and by that she bought a kids toy and multiple SD cards along with a burner phone. It all in total cost her $50, but as she found out soon train meals were relatively inexpensive.
With the gadgets she bought she built a small AI she names Sandy. She made it talk about astronomy and made it listen in on the lessons Jane gave her and slowly it self taught itself astronomy, after Leah programmed in the basics, as well as creating a small weather radar for it.
She gave Sandy to Jane, and she loved the gift, finding it absolutely amazing.
The two girls grew close over the three days, and soon it was over. Jane gave Leah a hug on there way off of the train and gave the teen her number, saying if she was ever in any trouble she couldn't tell her dad or family, she could always call her.
Leah thanked her for being so nice to her on the travel to New York and teaching her about astronomy. Jane admitted to just enjoying being able to talk about the subject without people telling her to shut up about it. The two went their separate directions and Leah went into the nearest Starbucks, ordering a large black coffee to go.
She then took an hour long walk through the city towards Stark Industry's, towards home. She held onto the empty coffee cup, wanting to make a dramatic entrance to the Penthouse.
She walked through the front doors of the tower and straight through security. Workers stared at her with astonishment as the missing heir walked through the tower towards the elevator as though nothing had even happened.
When she got in and instructed F.R.I.D.A.Y. to go to the penthouse, she sighed slightly, leaning back against the glass walls of the elevator.
"Fri who's in the Penthouse?" The girl questioned.
"Most of the avengers, including your father Leah.
"Can you assemble the avengers in the living room. Make sure the elevator doesn't get there until they all do. Oh and record from outside the lift and follow me!"
"Of corse Leah, happy to be of service."
"Thanks Fri." Leah said smirking
A few seconds later the avengers had assembled in the living room, all curious as to why they had been summoned to the living room. They were all confused and were chattering among themselves when the elevator dinged.
They all turned to the lift to see Leah Stark swagger with a Starbucks coffee cup of the out lift and then scream "I lived bitch!"

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