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Leah's POV

About two weeks into my treatment, I was told Bucky had relapsed and his other side had came out. It meant he was going to be joining me in treatment, which mainly involves figuring out my triggers for the most part. So a lot less therapy than I feared.
      Shuri told me at the end of this week, I'll be moved into a smaller house just outside of the castle. I'll be allowed to leave the house when accompanied by a member of the Dora Milaje and will have 'therapy' in the castle once a week, which is literally just me telling someone how my week was.
       Shuri and I were hanging out in her lab when she spoke. "So, I wanted this to be a surprise, however we managed to convince my brother to allow communication between your house and the tower, so you can talk to your dad or someone else." She wiggled her eyebrows.
I laughed at her silliness, however I was definitely going to call my dad when I moved into the house.

I moved into the house fairly soon, about two or three days after Shuri told me I could call my dad. I'd had my first therapy session and it was actually alright. It was mainly just talking about how I was settling in and I was told in my next session they wanted to ask a bit about what I remembered from my time in captivity, so I was pretty much avoiding people now. Bucky has arrived and agreed to allow Shuri to remove his arm, just in case, and he had been moved out into the hut he was in last time, which was about a fifteen minute walk away from my house, so I was going to visit him after my next session.
I was settling in nicely, mainly just walking through the small rooms and looking out the windows at the beautiful city. I looked over at the phone and decided it was time to call home.
Picking up the phone, I dialled home. The tone rang once, twice and three times before finally someone picked up.
"Tony Stark, who is it?"
I smiled, "Hey dad."

Hi guys,
Sorry for the wait and the short chapter, I've been really busy seeing as my actual GCSE's are in three weeks and my Mandarin speaking exam is like six days away and I haven't memorised anything.
Anyway, holy guacamole, 8k reads, that's so cool!!
Y'all are so cool you know that!
So, I also had a revelation recently about what I want to do with my life, and that is becoming a doctor! I know it's super difficult and involves ALOT of studying, but I really think it will be worth it in the end!
Thanks for reading anyway,
CJ x

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildWhere stories live. Discover now