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Trigger Warning - Panic Attack

Leah's POV

It had been a month since I had returned from captivity, and I had barely left the building. It was fine, I guess, however I really craved a walk around the city. To most people in New York, a walk around the city was a completely normal thing, but I still have barely any memories of walking around the city, however I suppose that's because I never really got the chance to.
I sat on the sofa watching some dumb science show where 90% of the facts are incorrect when my phone started ringing. It was Lilith, so I instantly picked up.
"Hey Lea's!"
"Hiya Lilith, what's up?"
"I can't just call the most wonderful woman in the world with no reason?"
"Oh! You make me blush!" I said acting flushed.
"So, I was wondering, would you like to go out into the city sometime? Like on another date? We could get ice cream and go to Central Park and stroll around." She said, a happy tone evident in her voice. It made me smile and my heart flutter.
"Of course. Only the best for you, so I'm paying." I said confidently.
"So when did you wanna go? I was thinking the weekend. That way I'll be free, and maybe Mr Stark will let me have a day away from the internship to go out?"
"I think I can arrange for one of the best interns in our media department to have one weekend off." I said smiling, opening up my laptop to book Lilith the entire weekend off. What can I say, she deserved it for all the hard work she puts into everything.
"So, what you doing right now Lea's?"
"I am supposed to be working on my collage course, but I kinda got carried away when I got back and finished off 3 months of work in two weeks, mainly because I couldn't sleep, but I wanted to catch up."
"Okay don't be a show off, some of us are still in high school!"
"Yeah, but you love it when I show off."
"I can't say that I don't. Anyway, lunch is about to end. See you at the weekend, 'Kay bee?"
"Hells Yeah!"
"Oh my god! See you."
The tone rang off and I smiled, booking Leah off for the weekend. I turned of the trashy TV before walking to the lab where I knew Tony would be, probably meddling with one of the suits.

Tony's POV
I was meddling with the mark 51 suit when Leah waltzed into the lab, sitting at her bench and swivelling the stool to face me with such sass that even Loki of Sassgard™️ would be impressed.
"Yeeeeeeesssss" I replied, extending my pronunciation significantly, making me cringe.
"Can me and Lilith go out on the weekend? We're gonna get ice cream and go to Central Park."
"What? No! Not without someone! I'm not having my daughter and her girlfriend just run of into the big apple all alone!"
"Dad. Please. I need to get out and not be cooped up all over again. I just wanna get out. The most that's gonna happen is that I'm going to be bombarded by paparazzi. If you really want I can take Happy."
"But what if you're taken again? What if you turn into Asset L?" I say panicking, not realising that my own daughter flinched at the mention of the other part of her.
"I won't, and even if I do, I don't hurt people without orders. The other one hasn't heard of Lilith, so it won't hurt her hopefully. If it makes you feel better you can have one of you guys follow me from a distance. Just please let me go with her."
I thought about it for a couple of seconds. She hadn't turned into Asset L for at least a week. She was always very quick to snap out of it when someone spoke to her in Russian. If I put Bucky or Nat on her, it should be okay, shouldn't it.
"Fine. When are you two going out so I can organise either Nat or Bucky to follow you?"
"Fine, FRIDAY, is Bucky or Nat free on Saturday."
"Bucky is going out of town with Steve on Friday, and won't be back until Monday. Natasha is going to be free. Would you like me to contact her?"
"Yep thanks Fri."

Leah's POV - that weekend
I sat in the living room, excited about my date with Lilith. My first official out of my own house date. I was wearing a pair of leggings and a long flowing shirt that was more of a tunic than anything else. Luckily, Wanda took me out to get makeup so I could finally cover up the scars on my arms from the year of torture I had endured. She helped me apply the concealer on areas on my arms I couldn't quite reach and made sure it was all blended in properly. It was almost like they had never been made at all. I had my bag over my shoulder, my foot tapping on the floor from the excitement buzzing through me.
"Leah, Lilith has arrived downstairs and is waiting for you. Just stay calm, and remember, don't screw it up. Like 90% of the Avengers ship you two." Friday said, causing me to laugh a bit. I walked to the elevator and went down to the lobby, where sure enough Lilith was waiting for me along with Happy, our ride and bodyguard for the day.
I saw her vibrant blue eyes light up as she spotted me and her mouth curved into a smile. I ran over and embraced her, spinning her round in my arms before finally putting her down. I had to admit, she was beautiful in her light yellow top and white bottoms. Her makeup was light and natural, only emphasising her beauty.
"So," She said, her voice showing her glee. "What are we going to do today?"
"Ice cream at Central Park and then whatever you want. We could watch a movie or go bowling or do karaoke. It's up to you."
"Ice cream in Central Park first, we'll think about the rest later." She said smiling and grabbing hold of my hand, making my heart flutter and my face go a slightly pink colour.
We walked over to the black car that Happy was sitting in.
"So, any ice cream shop in particular you would want to go to?" I asked Lilith, whose eyes were still shining like the stars.
"There's one that just opened right near Central Park. Apparently it's really nice. Can we go there?"
"Of course. You know what it's called?"
"Erm yeah it's Grom. We can walk to the park after we've gotten our ice cream and we can call Happy when we want to be picked up later."
"Sounds like a plan to me. Happy, to Grom please."
We soon pulled up to the ice cream shop that was just at the corner of Central Park. It had a minimalist design and was very clean. I ordered a vanilla chocolate chip ice cream in a tub, while Lilith ordered a coffee and chocolate ice cream in a tub.
"Your total is $9.99." The teenage cashier said in a happy sounding voice. "And may I just say, both of you ladies look very beautiful today." I rolled my eyes and pulled $20 from my purse before putting my purse back in my bag, picking up my ice cream in one hand and wrapping my arm around Lilith's waist. I saw in my peripheral vision Lilith blush and smile slightly making me smile. The look on the boys face was priceless as he realised that we were on a date and not just out as friends.
We walked out of the shop giggling slightly as we heard one of the female employees laugh at the cashier and tell him that it serves him right for thinking with his dick than with his head. I briefly saw Natasha rounding the corner as we entered the park.
The park was wonderful as the shade of trees covered us with a cool feeling and the occasional warmth of the sun. The sweet taste of the ice cream melted in our mouths as we wandered through the long paths of the park.
We were silent for the most part, just enjoying each other's company and the pleasant weather of the early autumn day.
When the ice cream was finished, our walk became a game of who could sprint to the nearest bin first, which left us both laughing and out of breath. We then decided to go find the lake and walk around that together. We were walking apart for a bit before eventually I felt her hand graze mine. I wasn't sure if she did it on accident or on purpose. I grazed my hand lightly against hers, feeling a slight electricity tingle between us. I looked down at our hand next to mine and then looked up at her, who was grinning at me like an idiot. I smiled back and took her hand, bringing us closer together.
"This is nice," She spoke gently, smiling at me. "I've never been able to do this before."
"Me neither. I've never even dated anyone before, so I guess I'm lucky to have someone as beautiful as you to go on long walks with." I reply, smiling back.
"Oh god, I don't know whether to call that cheesy or ultra smooth." Lilith giggles slightly, making me smile.
"Either way, it's the truth."
We smile and continue our walk and eventually we reached the lake. I suggest finding somewhere to sit and relax before calling Happy to take us to the movies and she agreed.

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildWhere stories live. Discover now