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Tony POV

   I had taken Peter out with me to the mall. I'd told him that morning why we were really going to the mall. To put it simply, he muttered about how he owed Leah $15.
    Of course, Peter and I had to grab ice cream. It became somewhat of a tradition that whenever I took Peter with me anywhere we'd get ice cream before doing anything. Of course Peter got Chocolate and Mint, while I got Vanilla and Pistachio. I payed while Pete found us somewhere to sit.
    "So, how's Leah doing? I know she's in Wakanda at the moment but I was wondering if she was doing okay Mr Stark?"
     "Kid, how many times do I have to tell you it's Tony?" I asked him, "Anyway, Leah's doing okay. Her operation is today." I grew silent, realising that today was the day it all changed. The day my daughter could be completely different, and she would stay that way.
      "Are you going to see her? In Wakanda?"
      I stared at the Spider-kid. "Yeah. They're coming to pick me and Pepper up in a couple of hours. Which is why we've got to buy the ring today because I'm going to propose to Pepper on the first date we have when we get back to New York."
      "Oh." Peter said, before the conversation dropped again. "So... can you tell her that everyone here misses her? And we can't wait to see her again, because Lilith really misses her and so does Ned and MJ."
       I smiled, ruffling the kids hair from across the table. "Sure kiddo, anything else I need to tell Leah?"
      "That she needs to get home quickly because the lightsaber battle of New York needs to take place, because Shuri told me that she and Leah battled it out in Wakanda and I spent about 3 days making a boss as lightsaber after she sent me the video and I made mine purple because I like that one. They guy who plays Mace Windu looks like Mr Fury, so I thought it'd be kinda cool to have the purple one. Oh yeah, Mr Stark have you seen Leah and  Shuri's lightsaber battle?"
      "No... this is the first time I've heard of it." I replied, my curiosity piqued.
      "Oh my god! Mr Stark I've got to show you! It was so cool!" Peter pulled his stark phone out of his pocket, and began scrolling through his phone to find the video. I smiled. Although Leah was my daughter, I also saw Peter as one of my kids. He was smart, he spent plenty of time around the penthouse while Leah was away. And I known him as one of the youngest interns at the company of all time, which is probably why I took such a liking to the kid. Then after I found out he was Spider boy, I had to make sure he was okay, so I built him the suit and made him my personal intern.
     Pete soon flipped the phone around and showed me the video of the fight. Both my daughter and Shuri were fighting with almost expertise. The duo seemed in sync, blocking each other and dodging blows which led to quite a few broken pieces of furniture. It was impressive really.
      "And now you've got one of these in the tower?" I asked Peter cautiously.
     "Yeah! But don't worry, I won't use it in the penthouse!"
       "You'd better not. The lab is also a lightsaber free zone, unless it's being upgraded. Dum-E doesn't need to be destroyed again."
      "Got it Mr Stark!" Peter said, finishing off his ice cream.
      Soon we were going to the jewellers and Peter helped me pick out the perfect ring. It had a good band and 3 blue gems, the same colour of the dress that I first saw Pepper in. It was beautiful. Perfect for the occasion. I quickly payed for it and the box and thanked the people working there.
      I dropped Peter back off at his house before driving back to the penthouse to pack for Wakanda.
      In the end, I packed some jeans, a couple of pairs of shorts, some t-shirts and a suit or two. I put my sandals in the suitcase and put on my dress shoes on before moving my suitcase next to the elevator along with Pepper's. 

     I played around in the house until Pepper returned and changed into some more casual clothing, and soon we were in the elevator heading towards the roof. Least to say, I was panicking. I would be seeing my child again after several weeks of her being treated for an extra, destructive personality that was forced to be made. 

    "You nervous?" Pepper asked me, taking a hold of one of my hands.

    "Honestly," I said, my leg quickly tapping the floor impatiently. "I'm terrified Pepper. What if something happens? What if she forgets again and we have to start all over again? What if after the procedure, she hates me? Pepper, she's my kid. I don't want her to hate me."

    "Tony, she won't hate you. And even if she does forget, you will always be her dad. You can  help her again, and tell her about all of the fun things you did together and help her with her school work. You'll always be her dad Tony, even if she doesn't know it"

    I smiled. Gods, I loved her. "Pepper, thank you. I know that it's also difficult on you. Even though you'd never admit it, you see her as your kid too. I could see it in your eyes when she first disappeared."

    Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pepper smile at my recognition of how she felt. "Tony, no matter what, I love you both. As far as I'm concerned, you're both my family. And you're not getting rid of me again, that's for sure."


    "Yes Tony?"

    "When Leah was kidnapped, why did you leave?"

     Pepper went silent. She sighed, "I don't know. I couldn't deal with it. I just wanted her back and after they said they were looking for a body, I just. I just couldn't take it. I broke. I ran away because if they found a body, I knew you would have disappeared. So I ran. I hated myself for it Tony, I really hated myself for leaving you."

    I looked at her. Tears were leaking from her eyes. I embraced her, comforted her. "I don't blame you Pepper, I never did. I love you more than anything in the world. Though honestly, I love that you decided to come back. It was getting really annoying only hanging out with Bucky and Steve." 

    Pepper laughed, "I love you too, Tony.

    Soon, we had reached the roof and boarded the Wakandan aircraft, the Dora Milaje greeting us and helping us with our bags. We sat down and soon, we were off. On my way to finally see my daughter again.

Hi guys!

I've finally finished my GCSE's, so expect a lot more parts as I have so much time to finally work on this book and prepping the next one which will cover Infinity War, Endgame and maybe the new Spiderman film??? Anyway, let me say I already hate what I have planned for the next book, which will start literally in the next few chapters and I'll link the next book in the final chapter of this one, as I plan to have the first four or five release by the end of this book.

Anyway, thank you guys for reading this chapter. Feel free to give constructive criticism as I want to try and improve my writing. I also might start going though the chapters and doing some editing, mainly just improving the book's quality altogether, but I won't be changing any major plot points, so don't be too worried if you don't want to go back through and reading it all again.

See y'all soon, 


Leah Stark - The Unknown Childजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें