Math, Romance, and the Host Club

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the phone. Kyoya?

"Hello?" I mumbled into the phone.

"Weren't you supposed to be at my house an hour ago?" His voice grumbled on the other side.

"Wha-" I looked at the clock. 10 o'clock?! Shoot! "Umm, about that."

"Just get over here as soon as you can. We need to complete the assignment." He sighed.

"Right, I will-" I started, but heard the click as he hung up. Rude.

As the car rolled up to his house, I gaped. I mean, I knew it wasn't like I wasn't used to huge houses. His house was just very impressive. It took me almost five minutes just to walk up to the door, and then another five minutes for one of the maids to lead me to his room.

.  .  .


Ok, so first I solve for x.
So, 2(34+2y)+2y=16. Right?
Ok, then I just simplify.
68+4y+2y=16 So, then...
So x= 20
Finally! Got it!

Kyoya glanced over, "Don't you have a good grade? Why do you seem to be going so slowly?"

I huffed, seeing he had done twenty problems in about the time it took me to do twelve, "I may be able to do math, but that doesn't mean I'm fast at it, Mr. Genius."

He smirked, "I see. I suppose it's a good thing we are starting now then?"

Rude. I refused to answer that question. He always got me so worked up, MATH was definitely not helping. Though, Kyoya didn't seem as calm as he normally did anyway. Maybe he isn't much of a morning person, either?

Being here at Kyoya's house was not helping the awkward feelings I have had recently around Kyoya.

. . .


It had only taken me two hours to finish. I don't know what Kyoya was so worried about. Speaking of... I looked over and saw Kyoya bent over his portion of our packet, fast asleep. He briefly adjusted, his face now turned to mine. I watched as a lock of his hair fell over his face. I reached out to brush it back when two things happened. Kyoya seemingly woke up magically and the twins burst through the door, followed by the rest of the entire host club.

My hand froze mid-air, almost touching Kyoya's face.

"I knew it! I knew that this was a date!" Tamaki exclaimed, almost sobbing.

I quickly retracted my hand.

"Where exactly would you get that idea Tamaki?" Kyoya sighed. He did NOT look happy. Maybe not as awake as I thought.
The twins hovered close to me, "Someone has a crush."

They winked at me as I brushed them off. "I do not, that is ridiculous," I turned to the others, brushing off the embarrassment of what I had been about to do before they barged in.

"What exactly are you doing here, anyway? Kyoya and I are just working on our math project and he fell asleep waiting for me to finish."

"Those shady twins said that Kyoya invited you over today, and thought that it was a date!" Tamaki cried, "Mommy didn't tell me this!"

"Get out, all of you," even I was a little scared of Kyoya now, "Akira and I have a math project to finish and you will all just interfere."

The look on his face was absolutely terrifying. I wasn't sure I wanted the others to leave until he was more awake. Is he always like this when he's just woken up?

The host club scrambled to leave after seeing his face, though not without rushed apologies to try and appease Kyoya, and a quick wink from the twins that made my face warm up.

"Hey, umm. You didn't have to be quite that rude, you know?" I said.

"Perhaps not." Kyoya spoke through his teeth, as though trying to calm himself down.

"I'll give you a minute." I let myself out of his room to find a bathroom or something when I stumbled across a music room. Huh?

I walked inside, forgetting about the bathroom. The only thing inside was a grand piano in the middle of the room. Do you think they would mind if I played?

I sat down and pushed up the keyboard cover, noting how beautiful it was. It doesn't look very used though...

I started off with one of my favorites, Clair de Lune. As I started the first few notes I felt myself start to get lost inside of it, forgetting where I was and playing to my heart's content.

As the piano breathed out the last note, I hear someone sigh, "She plays as beautifully as Tamaki."

I looked over to see Kyoya, and who I assumed were his siblings watching in amazement. I looked down.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked. I noticed the piano and couldn't help but be drawn to it." I spoke clearly, despite the jumbled feelings I had at being discovered.

His sister rushed over, "No! That was absolutely beautiful. Tamaki is the only one I've heard play that piano recently, it was lovely to hear someone new."

She smiled and winked, "I'm Fuyumi, by the way. It's so nice to meet you, I've heard a lot of good things."

She's...heard a lot of good things? I assumed that meant Kyoya must mention me at home, and I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"If you'll excuse me. It was a pleasure to meet you, though I should probably be getting home now." I smiled politely back at her.

"Of course, do come again though. We'd love to have you." She waved as I got up to leave.

Kyoya walked me out to the door as my driver pulled up. "I apologize for my actions earlier, I tend to be very angry when I first wake up. Though, I think that is the fastest anyone has ever gotten me to calm down."

"I figured that must be the case; I'm not much of a morning person either, so I understand."

I smiled up at him and for the first time that day, he actually smiled genuinely back at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kyoya."

"You too."

I let my thoughts wander on the way home. My mind wandered back to what Fuyumi had said to me. He talks about me? It must be a lot if she knew who I was alone and not as a member of the host club. My face warmed. Probably just because we were assigned together for a project. Yeah! That must be it!


Oh my gosh! Life is so busy, and writers block has been my enemy. But never fear, I bring another chapter with cuteness and host club antics. Thanks for anyone reading. I'm so grateful, and I appreciate all the reads and votes!! 💜 Stay tuned and have a great week!

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