Keeper of the Lost Cities, Chapter 28

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"What do we have here?" Keefe asked, snatching a red box from her thinking cap. He was definitely back to his old self without his father around. He glanced at the card and cracked up. "Dear Sophie. I really enjoyed our dance, and I hope we can do it again sometime. Love, Valin."

Her face burned as everyone at the table laughed—even Fitz.

"Who's Valin?" Dex asked.

"Vice president of the Sophie Foster Fan Club. Don't worry, I'm president, so I'll take care of her." He winked.


She ran back to the atrium to pick up Keefe's gift, so she would be ready to go home. Inside her locker she found a giant box of mood candy, a small black cube, and a note:

For the Mysterious Miss F—
If you don't relax, this candy will always taste bitter—so snap out of it! And try to stay out of detention! —K


"You must be the famous Sophie Foster," he said, smiling at her. "I'm Alvar."

She ignored Keefe as he snickered at the word famous.

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