Lodestar, Chapter 2

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"WHOA, that is an epic wave of emotions you're hitting me with," Keefe said, fanning the air between them. "It feels like you either want to hug me or strangle me—and personally, I'm rooting for the hug."

He leaned back in the chair, stretching his arms wide open.


"I know. But . . . I have a plan. I have to stick to it."
His ice-blue eyes met hers, pleading for understanding.

She shook her head. "We can beat them together. Team Foster-Keefe, remember?"


"Do you know what Fitz did when I told him you left?"

Keefe ran his hands through his hair, wrecking his careful style. "I'm guessing yelling was involved."

"That's what I'd been hoping for. But he didn't even raise his voice. He just looked away so I wouldn't see him crying. So did Biana. Even Dex teared up."

Seconds ticked by. Maybe minutes. It felt like forever before Keefe whispered, "What about you?"

"I cried harder than any of them," she admitted.


"Please," Keefe begged. "I promise, I'm still me. And I can do this."

He took a cautious step toward her.

Then another.

And another.

Until he was right in front of her, his lips curling with the world's saddest smile.

"Back to nervous habits, huh?" he asked as he brushed a fallen eyelash off her cheek.

"It's been a rough few weeks," she whispered.

"Yeah. It really has."


"You're not still afraid of me, are you?" he asked. "You trust me?"

She honestly didn't know. So she offered him a shaky hand. "You tell me."

Keefe's fingers curled around hers and his brow creased as he closed his eyes.

"Thank you," he whispered, his lips stretching into a glorious smile. "I knew I could count on you, Foster."

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