Lodestar, Chapter 4

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Is this the best time to reach out to you each night? she asked.

Yep—it's a date. Tell your boyfriends not to be jealous.

She wished she had a way to roll her eyes in a mental conversation. I don't have any boyfriends.

I dunno. I can think of a few dudes who might not be fans of all this Keefoster time.


Sounds way cooler than Sophitz or Dophie, right?


Awesome. Then it's my turn to ask you a question. He paused, like he was gearing up for something incredibly important. How'd Dizznee react to your new rings?

Sophie shook her head, refusing to dignify the question with a response.

You can ignore it all you want, Foster, but sooner or later you're going to have to solve the triangle. Or should we get real and call it a square?

I have no idea what you mean.

I'm pretty sure you do. I bet if I were there I could feel your mood shifting.

Right, because I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to strangle you with my thoughts!

There you go, rocking the whole adorable-when-you're-angry thing. I think that's what I've missed about you the most.

She knew he was only teasing—but she still found herself transmitting, I miss you, too."


But before I go, I need you to promise me something.

Yes, I will call you Lady Lectures-a-Lot every time you transmit to me.

That's definitely not what I meant.

What about Little Miss Heartbreaker?


Okay, fine, we'll stick with the Mysterious Miss F. Deal?

Deal, she agreed.

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