Neverseen, Chapter 37

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Sophie inched closer, hesitating before resting a hand on his shoulder. "You know what I think when I see things like that?"

" 'I never should've agreed to help such a loser—even if he has awesome hair?' "

"Not even close. Okay, fine, the hair part is kinda true. But other than that, all I think is, 'Keefe's even braver than I thought.' And I already thought you were incredibly brave. Between the way you held your cool in those battles, and the way you've stayed my friend despite all the rumors and gossip about me. You're just . . . I don't even know how to say it. But you're so much more than what your family made you believe. And by the way, I want to see more of your drawings."


"Is this going to be too hard for you?" she whispered.

"Is it going to be too hard for you?"

Sophie chewed her lip. "I hate seeing them hurt you. If I ever face your father again . . . well, he better hope I'm not wearing my Sucker Punch, because I'd knock him to Timbuktu."

"I would pay so much money to see that."

She smiled sadly. "I don't want you dealing with all of this alone, Keefe. You've spent long enough hiding the bruises and scars behind jokes and pranks—"

"He never hit me," Keefe interrupted.

"I know. But words cut deeper than goblin throwing stars. So I hope you'll keep letting me help."


"Just promise me that if this gets to be too much for you, you'll run away," he whispered.

"It won't be too much."

"It might be. I have a major dark side, Sophie."

"So does everyone."


"Okay seriously—how many abilities are there?"

"A lot. That's why they make such a big deal when someone doesn't get one. There are so many chances to have a talent."

"I still don't think it's right to treat them like a secondary citizen because of it, Sophie mumbled. "Even if they have the same money or whatever, it's still not fair."

"I bet that's why you scare the Council so much," Keefe said after a second. "I never thought about things like that until I met you."

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