Nightfall, Chapter 13

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"Need an elixir for the pain? I'm sure we have some."

He grabbed her hand to stop her fussing. "I'm all good now, Foster. Unless you want to try kissing it to make it better."

She rolled her eyes and pulled away.


"It's okay," Keefe told her. "Unleash the lecture! Here, I'll even start it for you." His voice shifted up to an uncanny impersonation of hers. "How dare you ambush me, Keefe? I don't care if you're the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen—WAY better looking than other guys with their dimples or weirdly teal eyes. You had no right to show up and surprise me like that!"

Sophie pinched the bridge of her nose. "This isn't a joke."


Sophie let out a slow breath.

"I'll make it up to you," he promised. "How about I let you demand a special favor? I won't even put a time limit on it and steal it back later like some greedy people. And anything's game! You want me to sing, I'll belt it out like a siren. You want me to dance, I'll treat you to my most epic shimmy. Here, I'll give you a free taste."

He wiggled his hips around the bathroom, and Sophie felt her traitorous lips smile.


"What was that?" Keefe asked. "Did the Mysterious Miss F. just agree that I'm a genius? Because that's what I heard! And it's filled my heart with all the warmest, softest fuzzies."

Sophie shook her head. "You really are the most ridiculous person I've ever met."

"And that's why you adore me. That, and my awesome hair." His smile faded.


"It's going to happen. Do you know why?"

When she didn't answer, he took both of her hands, and she couldn't ignore the rush of warmth that tingled through her when she met his eyes.

There was no teasing glint to be found. Just pure determination when he told her, "Because Team Foster-Keefe is going to win."

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