Neverseen, Chapter 7

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"I can tweak mine so two can share," Dex said, bending his into a Z-shape. He made a few more tweaks before holding up the mouthpiece proudly. "Now it works on each end."

"They'll have to keep their faces very close together," Mr. Forkle noted.

"Foster and I volunteer!" Keefe shouted.


"Okay, I am done with Dex snuggle time," Keefe announced as he and Dex's eckodon swam up beside Sophie's. He leaped from his plesiosaur to hers and prodded Sophie's eckodon to swim away from the rest of the group.

"Relax," he said, tightening his grip on Sophie's waist. "I won't let you fall."


"If you ever need to talk," she whispered.

"Thanks," he whispered back, so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. His arms tightened ever so slightly, making her heart switch to hummingbird pace.

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