Nightfall, Chapter 62

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"Hey," Keefe said, blocking her as she tried to scoot past where he'd been sitting at the long obsidian table. "Did you seriously think you could hide these from me?"

He reached up and wiped one of the tears trickling down her cheeks.

She shrugged and looked away, hating that he'd caught her.

She wasn't crying about the things she should be worrying about—the huge, unsolvable problems that would surely affect everybody.

She was being selfish and crying about the family she wouldn't even get to keep.


Sophie and Keefe shared a look—and had to laugh.

Grady sighed. "You two are definitely spending too much time together."

"I take it that means you haven't joined Team Foster-Keefe?" Ro asked. "Because I have to admit, they're pretty cute together. Especially when she gets that look in her eye like she's going to tear off his head."


"Wow, you must really be scared if you're accepting my help that easily." Keefe felt her forehead, as if checking for a fever. "I don't need to take you to Elwin, right?"

Sophie sighed.

But . . . the joke did help.

The whole conversation helped.

Her eyes had dried, and that tick-tick-ticking in her ears quieted.

And Keefe knew it. His smile was adorably smug as he grabbed half of her books to help her carry them home.


"I'm glad you're back," Sophie told him, keeping her voice low—just for the two of them.

Keefe's smile turned unbearably sweet. "Me too, Foster. Me too."

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