Neverseen, Chapter 16

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Sophie swayed and Keefe grabbed her, holding her steady as he whispered, "Please tell me what they're saying. You said you wouldn't hide things from me."

"I won't," Sophie told him, hoping she could keep her promise.


"Okay," Keefe said, taking Sophie's hands again. "You have to tell me what my mom's done."

"Come on," Sophie whispered, pulling Keefe toward a tree that had fallen by the river. The bark felt rough and damp, but she knew this was the kind of conversation that needed to happen sitting down.

"If she killed someone, just tell me," Keefe whispered.

Sophie tangled their fingers together, squeezing so tight their knuckles faded to white.

"It's not about what she's done, Keefe. It's about what might've happened to her."


"I'm more than angry, Sophie. I'm . . . I don't know what the word is. But I don't care what happens to her."

"Then why are you crying?" She reached up to wipe his cheek and showed him the tear on her finger.

"I . . ." The rest of his words twisted into a sob."

Sophie held him tightly, letting him soak the shoulder of her tunic with tears. She wondered if Fitz had felt this helpless when she'd done the same thing to him. He'd seemed so strong and steady that day, when he'd taken her from her human family. She wished she could be the same for Keefe.


"Want me to leave you alone?" Sophie asked.

Keefe nodded. "Actually, no. It's not good for me to be alone right now. I'll do something stupid. I need . . . I don't know what I need. Just don't go."

Sophie stayed.

Keefe leaned his head against her shoulder and Sophie counted his breaths, considering what a strange thing grief turned out to be.

Grady and Edaline closed themselves off.

Fitz pushed everyone away.

She couldn't figure out how Keefe was handling it all yet. But she was glad he wanted her to stay.


Their houses were dark by the time Sophie and Keefe returned from the river, and Keefe clung to her hand until the last possible second. She tried to think of something to tell him, something that might help him sleep. The best she could come up with was, "If you need me, throw something at my window."

Keefe tried to smile, but it looked too painful. "See you tomorrow, Foster."

Then he was gone.

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