Entry #2

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My name is Timothy Wright, otherwise known as Masky. This is the second entry in my analysis of the individual known as Tobias Erin Rogers, aka Ticci Toby. 

Tobias is someone who hates being called Mr. Rogers. I learned that minutes after meeting him officially, and it was not a pleasant meeting. My mask and my jaw did not appreciate the punch he delivered, nor did Slenderman or Toby's bruised hand. I don't think he'd ever punched someone, but I could be wrong. He was the type to repeat stupid actions, so it's possible he'd hit many people like that before.

My mask had bent a little and was easily fixed, but my jaw hurt for days and had a bruise. Sally had personally wrapped Toby's hand, even if he'd spouted off nonsense about how he wasn't able to feel it and didn't need to be babied. It was concerning how he blew off injuries now that I'm not thinking about it with a hurt jaw and bruised ego.

Days after I've written the first entry of my thoughts on Toby Rogers and, in my opinion, I believe he is both the easiest and the hardest to write about. Well, maybe LJ has him beat, but I haven't done his entry yet. He seems like the type to overcomplicate things without even trying.

When I started analyzing the others, I didn't view it as a way to vent what I was thinking, but, instead, I saw it as a way to express couldn't say to them. I viewed it as breaking them down so I could effectively interact with them, focusing on the little details I overlooked initially in order to understand just who I was talking to.

And, it worked. I eased up in certain conversations and bared down in others, working around roadblocks they presented and establishing a small bit of trust. Well, as much trust you could have around these killers.

Toby was the most affected by the transition from how we were to where we are. At times, he looks confused by our friendship. Each new development causes him to attempt to backtrack his way out of the situation, as if the change constantly alarms him. I say he trusts me, more than before, but he also is wary of me.

I understand it, I understand him, but it's still so difficult to approach things with him. Often, waiting is the only option. Waiting for him to speak up or approach me, it's infuriating.

Infuriating. Oh my. Perhaps I am less aware of how I feel than I thought previously. I hadn't thought I was made upset by this, but I see now I was. I will work on that, next time Toby has a nightmare. They've become less frequent recently. He's been in a better, more stable mood recently. Well, as stable as the infamous Ticci Toby can be.

I had work today, an assignment in town which required both Brian and Toby. I won't mention details, it's not very important, but I will mention something I took notice of while in the process of completing my...our job. Toby wouldn't look at me the entire time. He spoke to me, mutters as usual while on the job, but never did he let his goggled eyes drift to me. Everytime he twitched or spoke a random word, I glanced at him and was disappointed.

Brian could tell I felt off and tried asking me about it when we returned, but I brushed it off to come write it out here. I'll apologize later.

Maybe, despite my request that he not do so, Eyeless Jack mentioned my questions to Toby. It would explain why he was distant. It he continued to display such behavior, I shall investigate further. For now, I believe this entry is done. I can't give a clear opinion with how upset I am quickly becoming.


Hello, author here! Yes, this is short, but I had to make at least one short. That is generally how journal entries go, not always the same length. I hope you enjoyed. I want to give it a good pacing, but as I said, I am still trying to better my skills. That being said, I welcome constructive criticism, as well as recommendations and corrections. I'll answer any questions and I adore comments. Until next time!

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy WrightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz