Entry #7

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My name is Timothy Wright, otherwise known as Masky. This is the seventh entry in my analysis of the individual known as Tobias Erin Rogers, aka Ticci Toby.

Recently, I've been thinking more and more about the pain adverse boy. I've come up with more conclusions.

The first is that Toby is talented. If you've ever been hunted by him in a scenario where you've tried to run and almost got away, that fact becomes extremely evident as his hatchet is buried into your body from a very far distance. It's his most distinct skill. He doesn't see value in chasing people down with his stamina still as low as it is, which almost seems like a getaway plan for his victims until he starts throwing weapons like he's a professional.

I went with him on a few of his firsts missions to keep track of him and teach him anything Slender thought he needed to know, like covering certain tracks. I believe it was his fifth mission, my third with him, when I saw him display his skill for the first time.

The girl, not very pretty and not at all bright, was begging us for her life. It was irritating, her voice, but I wasn't allowed to slam my crowbar into her head. Toby's kill, Toby's rules. He was busy finishing off the girl's friend when she took off running into the forest, escaping the tent. I whistled to catch Toby's attention before running out after her, preparing to not kill her but incapacitate her for him.

Turns out, he didn't need me to catch her. I was about a foot behind her when the older one of his hatchets flew past me and buried itself in her skull. I stopped with her body falling like a rock, staring back at Toby in surprise. He simply walked towards us, grabbed her feet, and dragged her back towards the tent as if nothing had happened.

I think that's when my jealousy of him first sparked. He was new at this, killing people, and he was handling it professionally and without a hitch. Of course, right after that we were at each other's throats day in and day out.

Toby's skills have only improved. Of course, he still has weak spots, but he makes up for it with his other strengths. I'm actually kind of proud of him, if I'm showing candor only. Toby's focus is always hard to control, so it's surprising that his aim and timing are impeccable. A zig zag line is not going to help you run from Toby. If anything, it makes it easier since it presents a challenge for him.

He and Jeff have that in common, throwing their weapons with deadly accuracy. I know he'd never admit it, but Jeff only started doing it after Toby arrived and showed off his skill set. I do believe it was purely Jeff's jealousy of Toby that led him to pick up that skill, but he'd never use it as a daily thing. It's just not Jeff's style, whatever that may be.

Why, may you ask, am I just now discussing Toby's skill that he's always used? Well, I joined him on hunting down a group of drunk teenagers a few miles west of us today and I got to see it in action again. It reminded me of how smart Toby can be, to think on the spot and aim with only a millisecond of time and be fatally precise every single time.

I should clarify that we're still being awkward around each other, but I'm trying to fix it. I think he just feels ignored, which I can understand. A mass pick up in work tends to mean I'm avoiding something. And, to be fair, I was, it's just not what he thinks it was.

But, even being awkward around each other doesn't dull our skills. It was a large group, three tents with four drunk off their ass teenagers each. Slender picked us because of our efficiency, so it was expected to be somewhat harder than our solo kills.

We stalked them for an hour or so, lurking in trees above them to narrow down where they all were. Four girls, eight boys. All drunk and easily manipulated. Of course, I wanted to section them off as usual, but Toby had other plans. I think it was his way of getting revenge against me, not that he'd admit it.

He had me take off my mask and lure some of the girls out from the camp. It was so stupid, but it worked and they followed me without hesitations. Three girls now lured away, Toby sat in his tree and let me take care of them with my crowbar. One slipped away, but Toby had her pinned to a tree with a hatchet poised at her neck before she got far.

Once they were dead, we had to kill the others before the drunk kids figured out some of their friends were missing. We tried to seperate them, but then Toby fell out of the tree after a nasty twitch and drew attention to us. It ended up more like a cinematic battle than a precise murder.

Bad thing about drunks is they fight back as if they could actually win. It's almost sad, killing them after that. Almost.

We had them mostly handled, but Toby was trying to fight two and keep track of the ones trying to run while I was killing two myself. I knocked one down when I turned my head to look and saw Toby throw a hatchet and it nail the back of a boy's head without him even turning to see.

It grabbed my attention too much and almost got me killed, but Toby had enough of a view to see and whistle at me. Without thinking, I slammed my crowbar to the right of me and turned to finish off the kid attacking with a beer bottle. I guess Toby still amazes me, despite being a little shit.

Toby is solid. You may be thinking that's inaccurate, but to me it's the only adjective that feels right in this scenario. He may be unpredictable and impulsive, but he's a set in stone person. He sticks with his weapons despite one being brand new and the other very old. He rarely changes his mind. He's not a pushover. He will fight back, even if he doesn't have to sometimes.

He's the kind of person you don't have to worry about just disappearing, the kind of person you don't have to reach out and touch to know he's real. You wouldn't want to touch him randomly, so I guess him being solid is good for more than just that reason.

He's dependable. I know, Toby doesn't seem all that dependable when you first look at him, but I've never known him to take an order and not complete it. He's just not to type. Perhaps he's like me in that aspect where I can't stand to have an uncompleted task. It gnaws at my anxiety.

It's hard to remember that Toby hasn't seen everything I have and vise versa, especially with how we clash heads sometimes. At times, he drives me up the wall, both in a good way and bad way.

Toby isn't weak. He's resilient. He outlived his trauma, outlived everyone who's been close to him before.

Toby is my friend. He's someone I care for. Not too many of those these days. I don't want him to outlive me because I'm being stubborn or vise versa.

I hate the space between us.

I'll talk to him tomorrow.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please enjoy this chapter, I worked hard on it. The next week is going to be full of spam writing chapters as I only wrote 1-6 and adjusted them as I went. So, lots of editing and rewriting is going to be done. If you have questions, feel free to ask down below. If you have any headcanons, or anything you just feel like saying, feel free to do so. I enjoy reading your comments and I love knowing you guys like my story!

Happy Holidays! Expect the next chapter around Christmas!

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy WrightWhere stories live. Discover now