Entry #15

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First, in the pile of things to decipher are a few things. There's a few papers, lists of medications and newspaper articles Toby was mentioned in. There is a complete, well, an attempted, psych evaluation, and transcripts for the asylum and therapists he met with.

Along with those are the three tapes I previously had as well, presumably something about the asylum recorded onto them. This time, however, an additional tape has been included. I'm not sure where it came from, but I'll be listening to it all the same.

The medical documents are nothing new. Before he was brought back here to join us, we watched him, learned what would be the best way to make him snap. Admittedly, I was only slightly involved with that process. At the time, Rouge was the one doing most of the work.

The diagnoses change and vary from document to document, but they all have similar conclusions that Tobias had something wrong with him. A lot of it is attributed to Slender, which Toby mentioned multiple times throughout his visits, but they couldn't diagnose him with Slender Sickness. They thought he was crazy.

We all are, but still.

The newspaper articles are boring, no new information, and a lot of it is repetitive due to lack of details. It was a wonder why they were even included in the stack, but I read through them regardless.

There was one that interested me, one about his sister's car crash that they reprinted and retold after he went on his killing spree. This one was recently printed, the faded ink different than any other one, and had a different date. I assume as it gets closer to the anniversary of it all, the town and everyone involved want to remember what could happen.

At least they aren't turning a blind eye, but it's still futile. Toby is alive. I'm sure if he saw this article and read the way they described Lyra as a reckless driver and blamed her in part for Tobias going and murdering so many people, he'd storm down there, orders or not, and burn that town to ashes.

They are basically asking for trouble.

Moving on, I've also found a few drawings. Of course, with the sickness rattling around in his head while he was confined to a cell, he'd need an outlet. His pages were nothing compared to Kate's, but they were obviously Slender's.

They were half drawn, hurried, smugged, but Toby's all the same.

Those are the last of the papers, nothing really important left amongst them.

At least I can see at least a few of my previous theories were correct. Toby has notes written out from doctors beside his diagnosis, including ones about his refusal for people to touch his bare skin. According to some, he was cooperative for most of it, even going so far as to willing walk into solitary confinement and answer the questions asked of him.

He was only volatile towards the days before Slender came for him. They don't list how, or what, he did to be classified as such, but I can only assume he was trying to escape before everyone would be killed.

He's mentioned it before, trying to warn people and then watching them all die. Now, I see why.

I think it's time I listen to these tapes.

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy Wrightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن