Entry 12.5

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*Excerpt from Analyzation of Kate The Chaser by Timothy Wright*

Kate's emotions are not always clear. She doesn't speak, an uncommon feature around us, and tends to keep to herself. I've been around for as long as she has, longer even, but I've only heard her utter a few words when there was no other option.

Despite this barrier, she is impossibly close with Toby Rogers. So much so that, given recent events, she showed her knowledge of his mark. It's a barrier of trust I myself only share with Brian, one that quite literally shows how much you care for another person. Knowledge of your mark could lead to your death very quickly, and it's strongly advised you keep it to yourself.

Kate is stronger than she looks. She's the fastest of all of us, deadly in the darkness. She's one of the youngest proxies, but you'd never know from how she handles herself with a fearlessness that rivals Jeff.

Yet, at the same time, it's not hard to understand her kind intentions. She's a kind, gentle person.

She and Brian get along very well, two proxies with odd ways of speaking. They understand each other, and seem to communicate with only a look.

There is no doubt in my mind that she cares for Toby. She'd destroy anything in her way, hurt anybody she had to for him. It's something I admire about her.

My shins are bruised from her kicking against me, and she's left indents from her nails down my arms and hands, small claw marks joining them. I had to hold her back, an unenviable position, just so Ann and Jack could tend to Toby's injuries today. Despite wanting to do the same and race in there, we couldn't risk his health by pushing past them.

We're taking shifts, and she stared us down, blocking the entrance to the room until we figured out she wanted to go first. I didn't like the idea, I still don't, but I do trust her to take care of him, so I relented.

Jack is watching him now, and I checked in a little while ago. Kate has already moved on to distracting herself, stitching the torn up, bloody mess of a jacket. They'd cut it off Toby, and she knew he'd be upset to know it was ruined, so she's taking it upon herself to fix it up the best she can.

Myself, I'm heading into the woods today to find his goggles, and possibly his mask as well.

I let Kate know where I was planning to go, and she nodded when I asked her to retrieve me when Toby woke up.

I feel like I can trust her more than before. She's never been so violent before, and it was all for him. I relate to her in that aspect. I hope we both never have to face this again.


Decided to post this as well because of the long wait for Entry #12!

I have also gotten a tumblr where I'm posting them, along with extra content such as headcanons, quotes, scenes I write in order to visualize what Masky would write about them, and possibly the music playlists I have for when I write. I'll also answer questions asked on there, anon or otherwise. The user is @who-am-i-1104

I have planned to do a look into Eyeless Jack as well, but, aside from Brian, Kate, and Jack, I don't believe I'll be adding anything concentrating on other characters because they don't influence the main storyline enough to really be needed.

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy WrightWhere stories live. Discover now