Entry #11

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Recently I've found myself caught up in thoughts of death again. Being mostly immortal, I can hardly be blamed for the slight obsession. I think everyone develops one at some time or another, killer or otherwise.

Excursions into towns often involve me researching for hours about whatever He deems fit for me to go over. Of course, that also presents a bit of time for myself. This week I tore through books on famous serial killers and facts about Death Row inmates. It was pretty informative, but also raised a couple questions.

We're all serial killers, mass murderers. We all qualify to be placed on Death Row, if not executed immediately. What would our last meals be? Personally, I'm not sure. Something warm and home made, maybe. A comfort.

Of course, this is all relying on Slenderman actually letting us get captured and executed. Sure, we're just his underlings and basically worthless to him, but it's not exactly a piece of cake to make more of us. It takes years to hunt us, lure us under his gaze. Many of us just kill ourselves to escape.

Moving on.

I noticed an extra page added to this section and, with all due respect, fuck you Brian.

I should've seen it coming; Of course he knew where I'd hidden it. And now, thanks to his blabbermouth, I have the nerve to feel embarrassed. Toby and I being obvious? The thought unsettles me. Given this fact, we're starting today's entry with an analysis of Brian's addition and my response to it.

Brian has a bias when it comes to this. He bets on us and has prior knowledge of my relationship with Toby that nobody, excluding myself, does, as well as his friendship with me. He's far more likely to spot changes in my behavior than anyone else. Given this information, not everything he said can be viewed as pure and unadulterated fact.

First of all, this is not a "sad and somewhat complicated declaration of love to Toby" at all! It's an intelligent and highly uncomplicated analysis of Toby, that's it! And, before you smirk at me after invading my privacy and reading it again, no Brian. I am not getting defensive.

Anyway, he also stated the bet at the time involved my sleeping in the same room as Toby... The same bed, maybe. It wasn't clarified. Kate assumes more happened than just sleeping. She's wrong, of course. Not that I wanted any- Scratch this topic, moving on.

Toby and I watch each other. Of course, that's no news to me. Why wouldn't we? I watch him because I'm analyzing him and, sometimes, because of other reasons previously mentioned. And he is wary of me, that unstable trust and all.

Brian, why must you rattle my brain like this? Regardless, this update is nearly two weeks after my last one. The current status leaves us with Brian and EJ both gone, Toby's arm still healing and cut a small scratch you barely notice, and my ribs still aching. Headaches come and go.

Kate has been helpful, tying some makeshift curtains up in my room to block out the light and bringing me cool rocks she finds. Beside the notebook on my desk is a smooth and flat one she says reminded her of me.

The house has been more quiet, more and more work coming in. I've only just returned from town a few minutes ago. After checking in on Ann downstairs and Toby on the couch, I went to away some papers I'd collected and decided on writing in here. Of course, I had to read Brian's entry first and attempt to remain sane.

I'm not sure what to write as of now. Toby is mostly quiet, sleeping and healing his arm. He's not having nightmares again yet, the momentary stop a blessing, but he's still acting strange. I assume he's stressed from Slenderman's attack, it always affects us worse than anything.

He now sleeps in my room, had EJ and Kate move the bed in here while I'd been gone a few days ago. I'm not against it, obviously, but it rolls out a whole new list of things to analyse. Some sound creepy. Just bare with me.

First of all, sleep patterns. A high influence on a person's behavior is their sleep. How much, how little, how well, and where they do it is just some of the ways it can affect the person. Honestly, I've always been fascinated with the affects.

Next is routine. You can learn a lot about a person from their repeated actions. So far, he's exhibited the fact that he's an early riser, even without nightmares, and likes the quiet. I wonder if it's because everything is just less when he's still drowsy.

Along with these, Toby talks in his sleep. Small words and, of course, always in a different language. I looked up what I believe some of the words are. Highly possible it's some form of German, but I don't speak it so I remain unsure. I'll look into it, of course. Why he would know the language, I have no idea.

Perhaps he took it in school. I learned latin myself.

I hear someone arriving . I'm going to join Toby downstairs, see if I can find out what's wrong or confirm my theory. Until next time.


Whoops! Sorry about the wait, but I wanted to make the time seem matched up a little more and, I'll admit, I was really excited about the next chapter.

A question for my readers:

I have the proxies with their traditional mark upon their body somewhere. I've mentioned it before, but I'd like to clarify. In order to kill a proxy, their mark must be destroyed or removed from their body.

So, where do you think Toby's mark is? Kate's? Brian? Timothy?

Also, is there anything you hope to see in upcoming chapters? Or any music you to Ticcimask cause I could use some :)

Sorry for the short update as well, but I'll make up for it ;)

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy WrightWhere stories live. Discover now