11. anything for you

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11. anything for you

 anything for you

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"Tell me about something."


"Anything. Just— just keep talking to me. And don't stop."

"Nessa? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"My mom and my stepdad, they're— they won't stop— I've never seen them so angry..."

"Are they fighting?"

"...yeah. They are."

"What happened?"

"I— I'm not sure, my mom keeps saying... I can't believe this... I— I think my stepdad's been cheating on her?"

"What? The son of a bitch! The pile of saggy dicks! I swear, Nessa, say the word and I swear to God I'll—"

"There's this rumour— my mom heard this rumour that's been spreading around town that... my stepdad's been... seeing other women."

"...do you know who?"

"I don't. I don't want to think about it. I just— My mom deserves so much better and I can't believe..."

"Say the word, Nessa. I'll beat him to bloody pulp. I'll cut off his dick so it never lives to see the light again. He'll live a life void of sex. I'll seriously do it."

"That's disgusting. Please don't. Just... talk to me. Keep talking to me."

"Of course, Nessa. Anything."


A very short, but very meaningful chapter.

(considering it's saturday night when they called so he literally spent the night talking to her instead of partying)

I need me a Nico, or a Steven ;))

but srsly that 70's show will forever live in my heart

especially fez

Don't forget to vote!

xoxo, Sierra

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