34. even more everything

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34. even more everything

 even more everything

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"Did you... did you say Vanessa?"

"Yeah, she prefers I call her Nessa so obviously I have to do the opposite."

"Just to double check, you've been communicating with phone calls, right? Up until now I had thought it was Snaptalk or Intapost or whatever... but it had actually been phone calls all this time?"

"Yeah... sorry about that, I thought you'd tell me to stop talking to her because it was dangerous or I'd get too attached or something. Which... you weren't wrong."

"Did these phone calls, by any chance, sometimes happen late at night?"

"Yeah, actually. We'd usually talk around one in the morning almost every night."

"And this... this ex-girlfriend of yours, what was her name again?"

"Jenny. Nessa used to call her Niffy, though. It took us a while to figure out her best friend and my ex were one and the same."

"All this time..."

"You alright, Mrs. Taylors?"

"Do you really care about this girl, Nico? This Vanessa?"

"More than anything."

"What is she like?"

"Aggressively compassionate... stubborn, brutally honest, refuses to admit she cares."

"Sounds about right."

"You know her?"

"I have a daughter who's pretty similar to her."

"You have a daughter and didn't think to set your loneliest client up with her?"

"Oh, I heavily considered it. I just wasn't sure if selling my daughter to my horniest visitor for the price of our therapy session was the most appropriate course of action."

"No, of course. I totally understand your hesitancy."

"How kind of you."

"So, what's your daughter like?"

"I really don't think it's approp—"

"With all due respect, Mrs. Taylors, it's pretty obvious your personal life is a shit show right now. I'm offering my ear as thanks for yours."

"That's... the kindest thing a client has ever done for me."

"That's because I'm your kindest client."

"Always the modest one, Nico."

"Are you and her close?"

"We were... once upon a time. Relied on each other like we kept each other alive after her father died."

"Do you not rely on each other anymore?"

"No... I stepped back first. When I met Mr. Taylors."

"And your daughter didn't take it well?"

"She could tell the void in my heart had never been as small as it got when I met him. She was hurt, but she understood."

"She sounds amazing."

"She deserves better."

"I'm sure you're a great mother, Mrs. Taylors."

"A mother? No, Nico. But at least I'm a damn good therapist."


anyone recognise that last line?

also... the amount of readers i've gained since the last chapter is absolutely mind blowing???

thank you all so much for your support, i cant tell you how surprised and grateful i am

thank you all so much for your support, i cant tell you how surprised and grateful i am

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ps i am SO sorry about the multiple chapter publication notifications you guys are getting, being the idiot i am i named chapter 29 and 30 BOTH 29, i've had to go back and change the numbers of each one until this one... i am so sorry : ((( i know how annoying the notifs are when writers publish like 50 chapters a time

once again sorry!

Don't forget to vote!

xoxo, Sierra

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