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-Next Day-

I bought some spicy burgers for Boruto. I was planning to visit him right now.

"Where are you going?" Papa blocked me.

"I'm going to visit Boruto," I replied. "Why?"

"Bring these to him," he ordered and hand me a paper bag with Mama's medicines.

I gulped and looked at the black circled medicine that Mama made.

"A-are you sure you're going to let him taste this?"

"Hn, it will boost his energy." Papa replied with a smirk.

"Mama agreed?"

"She asked me to give that to him, but I'm busy."


I just nodded and continued walking.

Poor Boruto, he needs to eat all of these medicines or else... *gulp*

To be honest, Mom was really good at making medicine pills, it was super healty and effective, but it taste awful.


After a long walk, I was already in front of a room where Boruto was confined. I was about to knock but I found out it was open.

I wonder who's inside, except Boruto. So I peeped and saw Sumire talking to Boruto.

Sumire was wearing a sincere smile and Boruto kept laughing awkwardly.

Maybe he likes Sumire too? They look cute together.

I deep sighed as I felt my heart aching... why..?

I should get going, I'll just visit him tomorrow or...



I accidentally pushed the door as I yelled in shock.

Seriously, Mitsuki might kill me because of heart attack.

I froze as I can feel Boruto and Sumire looking at me.

"Hehe... Hi?" I said awkwardly while waving my hand.

"Sarada," they both said in chorus.

"I smell fishy here. I can also feel someone's jealousy." Mitsuki said while his hand on his waist, and the other one was waving in gesture.

I darted my eyes to Mitsuki to make him shut up. He just smiled at me. Damn.

"Why are you here? You worried I might die? Don't worry, I won't." Boruto said with his smug face.

I rolled my eyes and threw him the plastic and paper bag I was holding. "Eat those, or you'll die."

"Woaahh!! Isn't it bad to threaten others while they were ill?" He asked.

"Yah! I'm not threatening you, I was just stating the truth." I cleared him.

He smirked, "Really? Then could you please tell me the truth, that you like me?"

I smiled and went near him. Then struck his chest with my hand, made him groaned in pain.

"Baka." I whispered and went outside the room.

"Hey! Hey! Get back here! Hey!" He yelled but I didn't bother going back.

While walking in the hallway, finding the way out of this damn Hospital, I stop as I remember something.

Oh shit... I forgot Sumire saw it. I'm doomed. Gosh.

Ugh,  nevermind about it. She won't bother it. I hope so.

I walked fast as I left the building and went to the garden. 

Seriously, I have no idea why I went here. My feet drag me so. 


"Oh? The Inoshikacho." I said when I saw them.

They were catching their breath.

"What happened?" I asked. 

"Someone was spying Boruto's room, Inojin saw it." Shikadai answered

"What? Why?"

"We still haven't catch him, Sarada." Choco answered while eating her potato chips. "By the way,  how are you? I heard you went to find Boruto outside the village." she added.

I suddenly froze when she started to topic it. And two men were staring at me with an evil grin. 

"What? I'm just worried, come on quit staring." I said nd crossed my arms. 

"Hey, you like him don't you?" Shikadai asked still with his evil grin.

"No! I don't like Boruto." I said while waving my hand as a sign of no. 

"But he didn't mention his name." Inojin stated with an awkward smile.


"Sarada really likes him. I made her choose between Boruto and Mitsuki,  and she said 'Boruto' quickly."

"That was a fast talk." I cleared. 

Come on, she said she's not gonna tell it to anyone. But she just said it to Shikadai and Inojin. 

"Just admit it, Sarada. We'll support both of you." Shikadai said with a tap on my shoulder. 

But he doesn't.. Wth!!! What am I thinking!!?!

Erase. Erase.

I should go home now,  it's getting dark. 


"Haha! Eat that! It's healthy, I promise."

Mrs. Sakura said with a wide smile. I stared at the circled dark-colored medicine.

It looks like a chocolate, but..

"It looks awful." I said while staring at it. 


I didn't bother answering her question and straightly ate the whole circled medicine. 

She smiled. "I thought I need Sarada to come here just to let you eat that."

I choked, it does really taste awful!! 

I quickly grab the glass of water and drank it.

What did she said?  She mentioned Sarada's name earlier. 

"Boruto, you're a grown up now." she said and ruined my hair with her hand brushing it. 

"I am." I said. 

"You were just 7 years old when you went out of the village. I still remember Sarada's loud cries when you left."

"She cried?" I think I misheard something. 

Mrs.  Sakura nodded with her warm smile. "She did. Her father can't stop her."

"But it feels like she doesn't remember."

"Hm.. Maybe she forgot your name and appearance." she said. "Because it broke her heart."

"She hates me."

"Nope, not at all. Even the hatred can fade with a sign of love." she said then stood up. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"You'll know soon." she said and went out of the room. 

I deep sighed and stared at the ceiling.

I really hate this place. When can I get out?

Oh! I forgot, I haven't eaten the burgers Sarada gave.

She bought my favorite one, does she knew?

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