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I'm getting bored watching this scene, maybe I should get going. 

I quietly went outside the room without saying a single word. As I closed the door, my body suddenly became numb.

There was a mask man waiting outside our room and I feel like I saw him somewhere... outside the village. 

"Glad you went out, Sarada-chan."

Smoke starts to surround us, making me feel dizzy. I fainted on the ground, but I'm still awake covering my nose. 

I strongly strucked the door where they were to make a signal. Luckily,  Boruto opened it in a flash. 

"Sarada!" He covered his nose and mouth and carried me with his one arm. "Hold on!"

Argh! My dizziness is getting worst. I can no longer control my consciousness.

"Sarada!" Chocho saw us and was about to come near but Boruto suddenly closed the door. 

"S-stupid you! Let me stay inside the classroom with Chocho and Mitsuki!"

"No, you're in my arm now. I won't let anyone take you."

"They'll take care of me." it's getting worst!!

"No, I'm the one who should take care of you." he insisted.

I don't know why his words made me smile right now, at this situation. "Silly you." I whispered and closed my eyes.


Sarada was still in my arm as I followed the bastard to the rooftop.

I didn't know Sarada was heavy. Nah, I'm kidding. I'm fine.

Argh! I should've let her with Mitsuki, like she said. But I'm afraid something might happen again. 

"She's really precious to you, right?"

"No, that's not true." I said with a plain face. 

"Then why are you still carrying her?"

"I'm just doing my job." I said. 

"Really?" he asked and angled his face.  "I see. Well then, I should get going." he said and jumped out the rooftop.

Go now, before I lose my temper and blow up your head bastard.

"Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you," I whispered and kissed her forehead. "Let's go home."

She's so kind and cute when she's sleeping. She looks like a baby.

Sarada Uchiha...


My phone rang, and it's my parent who left 5 missed calls.


[When are you going home?]

"I'll visit tomorrow, midnight."

[Ok then, how's Boruto?]

"He's fine being in trouble."

[You should help him, don't let him be in trouble alone.]


[Take care.] My parent said then ended the call.

I put my phone back in my pocket. 

"Who's that?" Chocho asked. 

Shoot, I forgot she's still around.

"My girlfriend." I replied with a smile then went out to find Boruto, leaving Chocho alone. 

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