Chapter Eleven: Alpha Run

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"So why is Scott's boss in the back of your car?" I asked tilting my head to look behind Derek's seat, as I could smell his blood from the cut on his cheek, his heart beating steadily. So he was alive.

"We think he's the Alpha," Derek replied, taking a right turn down a straight as we headed towards the school.

"Please, his boss. Really?" I asked, really not believing that Scott's boss was the Alpha. Derek took his eyes off the road for a moment to give me a dark gaze. "Don't give me that look, I've saved your ass too many times," I state in a sassy tone, before his eyes moved back to the road.

We didn't talk for the rest of the ride to the high school. We pulled up to the parking lot, as I saw Stiles's jeep parked in one of the many empty spaces. Derek cuts the engine off as I open the passenger's door, both Scott and Stiles stepping back a bit. "Hello, boys," I smirked at them as they held a concerned face.

"Why did you bring her?" Stiles quickly asks, as I slam the door shut behind.

"To make sure you both don't do anything stupid, and I help people, that's what I do. It's a curse at this moment in time," I state raising my eyebrows up at them before they fell straight away.

"Never mind that. Where's my boss?" Scott asked, as Derek stood at the drivers side.

"He's in the back," he cocks his head slightly to the back of his car, and Scott looks through the windows to see his boss, gagged and tied. Stiles getting lower to see through the window also.

"Oh, well he looks comfortable," Stiles states sarcastically, as Scott hits his back slightly to gesture to him to follow. Stiles just staring at Derek with a dark gaze. As they started to climb the steps to go inside.

"Wait. Hey," Derek states, as Scott stops and looks back to him, as I leaned on the car. "What are you doing?"

"You said I was linked with the Alpha..." Scott turned back around and walked a few more steps before stopping once again, and looked to the high school, they already had a plan in their heads. And it didn't set well with me, whatever they are thinking, it will be dangerous. "I'm gonna see if you're right," Scott starts to walk again, and enters the school with Stiles. Leaving Derek and I alone.

"What are they planning?" I asked, as I turned to face Derek, but by the look on his face, he had no clue too.

"I have no idea," he replied, before coming to the side of the car, but then went over to Stiles' jeep, and lent on the back of it.

"I had a feeling you would say that," I admitted, walking over to him, and leaning on the jeep also.

I was waiting for their plan to take place, and I had no idea what it was going to be, and it actually scared me at this point. Derek and I didn't speak at all, we just waited for their plan to actually plan out. Suddenly, there was this awful sound piercing my ears. It sounded like a cat being killed to death.

"You've got to be kidding me," Derek states, his eyes closing in embarrassment as I see him out of the corner of my eye. The awful deadly sound lasted a few moments, before it ended.

"Was that supposed to be a howl?" I asked, but he didn't say anything, so I was going to take that as a yes. I shook my head, these idiots are going to get killed sooner or later. And now I knew what their plan was, to get the Alpha here at the school, worst plan ever. But then, a powerful howl was heard throughout the school, and even outside. Derek moving to look around, clearly annoyed by Scott's stupidity. Or maybe the whole state could have heard him howl, because it was so loud and powerful. Then it ended seconds later. Derek and I move back over to his car, to wait for them to come out of the school. The doors to the school open to see Scott and Stiles bouncing down the steps, metaphorically speaking. As Derek looked at them both annoyed as hell, but most of all pissed. "I'm gonna kill both of you," as they both came to a stop in front of us.

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