Chapter Twenty-One: Betrayed

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I crawled across the floor, as Peter left to find Derek, the pain in my side was unbearable, it was like a thousand needles penetrated my skin as I moved. I might be a vampire, but we still feel pain and all the other emotions. I grunt, as blood started to leak out the wound, but the shard of glass was holding it all in, but the more I moved, the more it hurt. I stopped, laying on my back, facing up to the ceiling. My hand gripped around the glass shard. My breathing increased, as I tugged on the shard. I let out a little scream, as it hurt, but it will heal when I take it out.

"One...Two..." I suddenly ripped out the glass shard, luckily it didn't shatter, and it came out clean. I screamed loud enough for Derek and Peter to hear. I took another shaky breath, as I felt my skin tighten and being pulled back together, the pain subsiding. "Three," I breathed out, throwing the glass to the side, it was stained with blood and my outfit bloody.


I rose from the ground, and made my way out of the hospital, as I need to change. But when I got to the parking lot, Stiles' jeep was gone, meaning he left me to warn Scott. Just then, I heard the doors open behind me, seeing Peter and Derek wonder out together. They spotted me, and started to walk over to me. I slowly backed up, but in a blink of an eye, Derek stood behind me, his hands gripping on my shoulder keeping me stationed. I struggled against his strength, as I didn't want to out myself yet. They wouldn't understand right now.

"Let me go!" I spat at him, struggling more against his tightening hold, but he didn't listen. "What are you doing Derek, he killed your sister!"

"Correction, I didn't know what I was doing," Peter had said, now standing inches in front of me, his burns on his face had gone, as all the burns on his body.

"Still doesn't make it right!" I spat at him. "What do you want?" I asked, stopping my struggle against Derek's hold to stare at Peter.

"Motivation," he said creepily, giving me a wicked smile, before a pain emitted on the back of my head, making me fall to the floor, and becoming unconscious.....


(Third Person)

Danny left the school's locker room, leaving Scott standing in his towel, ready to change. But suddenly, the lights in the room turned off.

"Danny?" he asked, as he began to walk forward, looking for the light switch. Scott walked to the light switches, looking around to make sure it was safe. He had found it and flicked the switches on, but the lights did not, as he peered up to the lights above. As he looked down to the floor, he saw a ball rolled across, hitting the lockers opposite the showers. "What the hell..." he mumbled himself, as he moved towards the ball. But deep down in Scott's core he had a bad feeling about this. Scott bends down to pick up the ball, and moves slowly to the opening of the showers. His heart pounding out of his chest, as it was something you would find out of a horror movie.

Just then, Derek came into his eyesight, making him gasp with relief. "Thank God! Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what's been going on?" But he said nothing to Scott, not paying attention to him and it looked like he was looking at someone. Scott turned slowly, his eyes widening as he saw what was in front of him. It was a Peter holding Alice. Luckily, for him she was alive.

"I see why you like her," he said creepily, moving her blonde hair out of the way of her neck, taking his sweet time in doing so. "Such soft skin," his fingers gliding across her neck, feeling her skin.

"Let her go!" Scott said angrily, as he still looked her over in such an 'awe' way, like he was about to do something.

"As you wish," he said, before dropping her unconscious body to the floor, she dropped like a bag of potatoes. Scott rushed to her side, making sure she was alright. He took in her appearance, she looked fine, but there was a small amount of blood on her sweater. He took a deep smell, and it was her blood, his smelt it before. But he couldn't find where it was coming from.

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