Chapter Twenty-Five: Surprise Bitch!

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After our little shopping adventure, it was time to go home and get ready for the dance tonight. I was kind of excited to go, I haven't been to a School dance, since... Forever, and that's saying something...

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I placed the earrings into my ears, as I sat on the couch in the living room

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I placed the earrings into my ears, as I sat on the couch in the living room. I was dressed in a light pink dress, it was really formal, and I just loved the whole outfit. My hair wavy, it sort of parted to one side, giving off a cool effect. I finished placing the right earring in, and stood from the couch, being a few inches taller due to the heels. I smiled to myself, as I twirled a little and the dress followed. I looked smoking...

I knew Scott wasn't allowed to go to the formal due to his grades and that, but he was still going and deep down I didn't want him to go alone. So, I was off to surprise him at his house, all glamoured up. See how well he would take it...


I had driven over to Scott's place, remembering where it was last time I had visited. I had gotten out of the car and walked up the porch steps to his front door. I knocked on the door thrice and began to wait. I twisted my Rose Quartz crystal that was acting as my necklace for tonight. My eyes wandered the door for a few moments, before it was flown open by a woman. My eyes drifted up to look at the middle-aged woman, whose eyes slightly widened when she saw me.

"Hi, is Scott here?" I asked sweetly, as she was just looking me over for a moment, before realising what I had just said.

"Yes. Come on in," she said quickly, making me smile, before walking into his house as his mother (I presume) shut the door. "You must be Alice, right?" she asked looking at me.

"Yes, Alice Harper. Nice to meet you Miss McCall," I held my hand out for her to shake, and she shook it immediately, having a wide smile on her face.

"Melissa," she states, raising her hand slightly, gesturing that it was her name. "Scott said he was going alone and he didn't want to ask any other girl," she had lowered her hand and looked at me slightly confused.

"Well it's kind of a surprise for him. I know he wanted to go alone, but what kind of friend would I be if I let him? Plus, I have no date so we are going as friends," I smiled at her widely. She looked kind of shocked when I told her that I had no date.

"But you're a beautiful woman," she replied, making my cheeks blush even more with the simple makeup I had on my face.

"That I am, but I don't need a man in my life to make me happy," I state proudly as she looked taken back with my comment, but with pride behind her expression because this is what women need, they don't need men to make them feel better. They can do that themselves.

"Mom, have you seen my helmet?" Scott had announced from the stairs before turning into the living room, his eyes casted to meet my outfit, his eyes gliding up and down my body. I began to blush under his intent gaze. "Alice?" He asked, astonished.

"Yeah," I chuckled, as I took in his appearance. "Not bad McCall," I smirk at his outfit. Though it was a knock off suit, the effort was still there.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" He stutters the first bit out but got control over his words.

"I'm here to take you to the dance. I'm not letting you go alone and on a bike," I gave him a wink as his mother turned to face him for a second, knowing that I was trying to help him out.

"Ok, I'll meet you at the car," he rushes out, before bounding up the stairs to get his stuff that he needs. I began to head for the front door, Melissa hot on my tail.

"It was nice meeting you Miss McCall," I gave her a warm smile as I turned to her, as I wrapped my hand around the doorknob and pulled open. "And don't give up hope, one day you'll find love," I state to her. Another surprised look was on her face, but she was speechless to say anything and I didn't give her the chance as I walked out of the door, heading back to my car to wait for Scott to arrive.

Moments later Scott had arrived, jumping in at the passenger side, he just stared at me for a moment and nodded, meaning we could go. I started the engine and I reversed out of his drive and headed to the school. Hoping this dance was going to be fun...


Half-way to the school, out of the corner of my eye, I see Scott give me glances now and then. I couldn't help but smirk under his many gazes.

"Why you smirking?" He asked like he didn't know.

"This is about the fourth time you've stared at me," I said, cocking my eyes to his for a second before my eyes landed back on the road. "Surprised?" I asked. "It's only a dress Scott and a bit of makeup, still the same old Alice," I chuckled at the end, referring myself to as 'old'.

"That's not what I see," Scott said simply, before casting his gaze back to the road in front. Maybe what he said was true, I did come out of my comfort zone slightly, I mean I love dressing fancy like I'm wealthy, but deep down I was still that poor scared girl and just because I was stronger, faster and Immortal, doesn't mean I'm better than everyone around me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I had arrived in the School parking lot, waiting for Scott to jump out because he told me his plan as we were driving. But when I turned to talk to him, he had already bolted out of the car, leaving the door wide open. I chuckled as he tried to find a way into the dance. Surly through the night, he was going to get found out. I flicked my index finger inwards, and the door shut on it's own. Before driving off and finding a parking space for my car.

I sat in the car for a moment as the engine was cut off from my action of turning it off, the purr of the engine died after a second. I see the teens begin to go into the high school, heading to the gym to attend the formal. Some as couples and some alone. I took a deep breath and held my necklace, thinking of the simpler times and how I missed them. But this is who I am now and nothing could change that, only my actions. I nodded to myself like I was agreeing... But something in the pit of my stomach felt wrong, like something bad was going to happen, but I shook it off due to the recent thoughts of the past....

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