Chapter Twenty-Two: Memories

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Lydia had told Allison about what happened, she was not impressed but she understood, because Allison and Scott weren't together. So, she couldn't do anything about it. We had stopped in the woods, as Allison put the large black bag down on the floor, and began to unzip it, to reveal a bow, and arrows, with some other things she needed. She put on a glove type thing that covered three of her fingers. Allison picked up the bow, and an arrow which had no idea on, she put a weird looking one on.

"What does that do?" Lydia asked, not knowing what it was.

"I think we will find out," I remarked, a smirk tugging on my lips, as Lydia shot me 'really' look. Allison put the arrow in the bow, and pulled the string back, steadying her aim, before she let go. The arrow went zooming through the air, before hitting the middle of a tree. But the arrow head made contact with the tree, it exploded, and sparks came flying off, making Allison and Lydia jump slightly.

"What the hell is that?" Lydia asked, slightly terrified right now.

"I don't know," Allison replied with honesty, her Dad or Aunt hadn't told who they were yet, and the time was drawing nearer.

"Well that was fun... Anymore lethal weapons you wanna try out?" I asked, in a serious tone, a bit excited really. I think I had a nach for weapons. As I was lost in thought, Allison had heard something in the distance making me look at her weary. As we all stared off into the distance only seeing trees, but then... Another twig snapped, making me hear it like it was right next to my ear. The two girls looked around, as I focused on hearing the person's heartbeat, and I did. I sniffed lightly, and I could catch a faint scent, as I was surrounded by damp things.

"Hold this," Allison said, giving me the bow, but not looking at me as she handed it over.

"Why are you giving it to her?" Lydia asked, Allison as I took the bow.

"Because I thought I heard something," she replied, taking off her glove and throwing it onto the bag.

"So what if you heard something?" Lydia asked, clearly scared.

"So, I want to find out what that something is. Don't worry, it's probably nothing," Allison said, walking away from us.

"Well, what if that nothing is something, and that something is something dangerous?" Lydia asked back, Allison stopping in her tracks.

"Shoot it," she said, not turning round to face us. I only smiled at her response, grabbing an arrow on the bag, and placed it in the bow, ready to kill.

"Do you even know how to handle this?" Lydia asked, not wondering if I knew how to shoot an arrow, but I learnt from the best...

I cracked a smile, and lifted the bow up, aiming at the tree that had the other arrow sticking into it. I took a deep breath, pulling the string back, as the arrow followed, before focusing on the target, before I let go. The arrow zoomed through the air, and hit the middle of the arrow, splitting it in half, and the arrow I shot, now stuck in its place.

"I have a general idea," I turned to look at her. her mouth gaping open like she just witnessed something amazing, a smirk clear on my face. "You know Lydia, I know more things that I lead on,"

"Oh, like what?" She asked curious, raising an eyebrow at me, not believing me.

"Well I can speak seven different languages. Fluently. I can use a bow and arrow..." I turned to look at her holding the bow up slightly, gesturing towards it. "Also, I can draw, like really good. It was something I picked up off of my mother," I spoke softly, as I started to remember the simpler time. My face dropped with the memories, and Lydia noticed.

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