~ Epilogue ~

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It's been a few days since Alice was laid to rest in the cemetery and now it was night. A teenager who attends Beacon Hill high, begins to dig a hole for Kate Argent's funeral with a digger machine, but nowhere near where Alice was buried.

Alice was buried near the treeline away from the other people that were buried in the cemetery. She would like the peace and she did. As the night continued, Alice was healing up, the bullet had now removed itself from her chest, and the wound was now being healed up. With one big inhale, Alice jerked awake with a gasp, taking in all the air that was given to her by a brown sheet that she was wrapped in. She began to breath heavily, as her face was glued to the sheet as her breathing made it come inwards. But she knew where she was.

"Am I too poor for a coffin?" she sighs, before she pushed on the cover to see how deep she was, and to her surprise she wasn't that deep. Her hand was placed on her neck where her necklace should be, but it wasn't there. She remembers giving it to Allison. Plus Alice was starving and being dead and coming back takes a lot out of a girl. But she had enough magic to get herself out of the hole she was in. She took a few deep breaths and began to rally herself up, knowing she was powerful enough to do this. She took one last deep breath and thrusted her hand onto the sheet that laid over her, and just then when she placed her hands onto the sheet, and the dirt that covered her sort of exploded, like a stick of dynamite being lit and going off.

Fresh air got straight to Alice's lungs as the little holes in the sheet could give her, before breathing out deeply. Thanking God she was back, she unwrapped herself from the sheet she was in, and sat up. Luckily she wasn't in deep and when she sat up, she could see a digger machine tipped on its side. She looked strangely at it first, she could smell a person in the hole, but she couldn't go closer, or she would kill the person. She jumps out of her grave and begins to run through the trees and back to the place she remembers. Her home, hopeful, the spell she had up would have kept everything in order. Cloaking spells for ya...

Deep down in her soul she knew why she had come back to Beacon Hill, she felt like she was Chosen to come back here, to accept the role of protector of sorts. She knew what was out there in the dark, and Beacon Hill will need protection from threats that might rise up. Scott and his friends will not be able to do it alone, not without help...

But what will happen when Scott and the rest find out that she is alive? Will there be questions? Or will they be full of glee? Or caution? 

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