Chapter Seventeen: Tracking

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The school day had ended, and I made my way back home in my car, as I needed some alone time for myself. To be honest, I needed time to think of my options now. Do I help Scott properly, touch him a bit about the wolf world. Or do I try and stay out of it. I came back here for a fresh start, and tried to live a normal teenager life, but I couldn't have normal. I never could...

I pulled into the driveway, my mind casting back to the attack from the Alpha. The scene kept playing over and over in my head. I feel guilty for my friends. Throughout my life, I've severed Nature's will, and fought to protect the ones who could not protect themselves. I wasn't ashamed of my goody two shoes, following Nature's rule's. That's why I was taught to follow Nature's way, since I was born. And now, it was my only link to my family I had left, and I didn't want to tarnish that. Besides my necklace and the books.

Without even realising, I was already in the house, and planted on the couch. I must've been deep in thought, there was a lot going in my life right now with Scott and his troubles. Allison also, I could just tell by looking at her, she felt totally helpless at the High School, and no girl or woman should ever feel like that. I crossed my leg over one another, my foot tapping the air as I thought some more...

On the other hand, Derek was still a no show, and I don't believe he's dead. I just had a weird, unexplained feeling that he wasn't and I knew a way that I could make sure, just to be on the safe side. I quickly un-crossed my legs, and stood from the couch, heading over to the desk within the living room, holding spell books, knowledge of magic plus the history. And a map of Beacon Hill. I grabbed it, as it was currently rolled up neatly. Girl got to be neat, and black sand that was in a small bottle, with a cork plugged too sealed it.

I strolled to the kitchen island, opening the map out and keeping in place with weights such as a piece of fruit and other things I had laying around

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I strolled to the kitchen island, opening the map out and keeping in place with weights such as a piece of fruit and other things I had laying around. The four corners were down, and the map was laid out perfectly.

I removed the cork from the bottle, and poured it onto the map but in the center

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I removed the cork from the bottle, and poured it onto the map but in the center. I placed the bottle back down on the kitchen island as it was a large space. I took a deep breath through the nostrils, my hands hovering over the black sandas I also stared at it, while thinking of Derek as I had no personal affections for him.

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