Chapter Twenty: Alpha!

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After the events in the canteen, I had another class and it went by so fast, but it was bearable. I walked down the hall as the bell had rang a few moments I left my class. The hallway was busy with student's walking to their next class or free period.

"Jackson!" I heard Lydia shout from down the hallway, as I used my vampire-hearing to listen into their conversation. "This little text--not funny,"

"I wasn't trying to be funny, I would have put a 'Ha ha' at the end of it. And, see there's no 'ha ha'," Jackson replied smugly to Lydia, that kid made my blood boil.

"Lydia, please give up my spare house key at your earliest convenience... As we are no longer dating?" Lydia was dumbstruck, I could sense the hurt from here. I edged a bit closer to them, trying not to look too shady.

"You didn't lose it, did you?" Jackson asked, yet again with a horrible comment.

"What the hell is this?" Lydia asked, frustrated on the matter. As I moved closer to them, and soon enough I could fully hear the conversation without my vampire-hearing.

"Well, Lydia, in preparation for some big changes, I've decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life. And you're just about the deadest," Jackson states, letting out a little laugh at the end. Did he? No he didn't! That little bastard just called Lydia dead weight! Oh, I'm gonna rip his head from his shoulders.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Lydia asked dumbly, when it was clear that she knew.

"Dumping, actually. I'm dumping you," he chuckled, as he began to walk, but I quickly grabbed his jacket pulling him back to face me. Lydia looked at me surprised and Jackson looked taken back.

"Dumped by the co-captain of the lacrosse team. I wonder how many seconds she will get over that," my gaze got darker, as I started at him. "And don't you ever speak to her like that again. Or you'll deal with me," I snapped at him, before he gulped the lump in his throat, his heart beating faster. I let go of his jacket and he walked away, not looking back. "Dick," I mumbled as I turned to look at Lydia, her eyes filled with hatred for him right now. "Are you alright Lydia?" I asked, my hand rubbing against her arm, comforting her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to you," Lydia replied, her eyes softening, being replaced with happiness.

"He shouldn't talk to you or any girl like that. I know your super smart Lydia, you just need to stop worrying about what people think, and think about yourself for once in your life..." I said, giving her a warm smile, before walking away from her, to question herself.

To be honest, Lydia shouldn't hide her talent, she's smart, beautiful, funny. She should meet someone who knows that.


School had finished and I was at my house, had nothing to do until the game later on tonight, and it was approaching quickly. I walked through the hallway, reading a book that I had from the 17th century about the Argent origins. I read for hours but seemed like minutes, as I peered from the book to look outside, it was now dark. I frowned and closed the book, placing it on the kitchen counter. Just then, my phone began to ring from the living room. I used my vamp-speed, I was in the room and the phone in my hand. The caller ID had 'Stiles' on it. I quickly tapped the accepted button, and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hello Stiles, what would you like?" I spoke quickly, as I waited for him to reply.

"Hey, how fast can you get to the hospital? I need some help," he states, sounding desperate.

"I can get there quickly," I smirked to myself as I spoke the words.

"Meet me here in ten," he states, but before I could say anything the line went dead, and the beeping came on. I sighed, and put the phone in my jean's pocket. I walked over to the fridge, grabbing a blood bag from the shelve, and sucked on the tube that there was, and drank slowly, taking my time, relishing in the taste of blood. After moments of drinking, the bag was empty. I placed it on the counter top, before heading to the door. I opened the door, and closed it behind me, smirking to myself before I vamp sped through the streets, and towards the hospital.

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