6. Exposed

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~Valentina / Hunter ~

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~Valentina / Hunter ~

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh I don't know maybe because of the fact that you told me you had a doctor's appointment and left me hanging. Like who does that?! Who the hell just drops the bomb like that?!"

"Relax Dumbo! Calm down! I'm fine, deep breaths!"

"I can't calm down!"

"Why not?! Just breathe!"

"I'm not breathing!"



"Are you done?"

"You're diverting. What did you do at the doctor's?"

"It's just a regular check up, Dumbo."

"Right...I knew that..."


"Shush your mouth, Tater Tot. ANYWAYS....Raina didn't find out about the seagull."

"Oh? Who's Raina?"

"My boss. She's scary I tell ya, I gave her a sandwich one time and she yelled at me asking if I thought she can't afford food."

"Oh damn. I think I would run the other direction if I ever came in five feet distance from her."

"You should if you know what's best for you." 

"Hunter! Start passing out the free samples!"

"Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit."

"Ohhhh your name's Hunter huh?"

"Damnit! Why must you expose me like that?!" 

"Shouldn't your girlfriend know your name? I hired you to WORK not chit chat and say love dovey stuff to your girl. Now GET BACK TO WORK!"

"Okay now you tell me your name now."

"Huh? Why?"

"Cauz now you know my name. It's only fair that you give me your name."

"Nah bro. I shall remain anonymous."

"Oh come on Tater Tot! Pleaseeee??"


"Pleaaaseeee? I'll deliver you a free smoothie?"

"Free you say?"

"Yup! Josh will deliver it to your house, I need to pass out the stupid samples."


"Valentine? Like Valentine's Day?"

"No you stupid jelly bean. ValentinA. With an a."

"Ooo.. unique, I like it."

"Thanksss...I'm looking forward to the smoothie. Chop chop!"

"Yes ma'am. What do you want?"

"Surprise me."


"Damn those blenders are loud. I'm surprised you didn't go deaf."

"You get used to it. Alright...wait where do you live?"

"In the center of town. Like literally smack right in the middle."

"Uh.. you do realize you need to be more specific right?"

"Yep I was just waiting for you to ask the question."


"Okay so Hartford Street, the light red house in the middle."

"Okay, Josh is on his way."

"My smoothie better be in tip top condition or else I will come hunt you down. Hah! Hunt you down! Get it?!"

"Very funny..."

"I know I am. Damn is Josh the flash? Well talk to you later, Dumbo. My smoothie is calling me."



HeLlO! School started a week ago and I've been so busy with all my homework. >.< Just to let you guys know, updates will slow down a bit but I will try my best to update as frequently as I can. Thank you all for your patience! Until next time!

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