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Hunter winced at the shrill scream that nearly shattered his eardrums. Was he expecting it? Yes he was. Was it worth it? Definitely. 

He had hid all her cosmetics when he saw her squinting to apply them the other day. Apparently she claimed that it 'highlights the features on her face' which he had rolled his eyes at. She was beautiful in his eyes with or without powder on her face. She was his wife after all. 

After they both graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, Hunter with a degree in architecture and Valentina with a degree in visual studies, he wasted no time in getting down on one knee and asking her to be his forever. He still remembered the day when she didn't know where he was and almost tripped over him when he was kneeling and getting the ring out. That earned major face palms from Matt, Felix, and Josh altogether. 

"Dada! Why momma screaming?" Their little four year old, Asher, asked as he climbed onto his lap. 

Hunter smiled and wrapped his arms around the little mini version of him. "I don't know little man. She's probably on one of her episodes." 

Asher tilted his head to the side, dark hair flopping to the side as his eyes narrowed. "Whatz epipo?" 

Valentina barged into the room, face red. "I can hear you!" 

"Momma!" Asher wiggled out of his hold and Hunter pouted. He watched as their little boy ran over and launched himself at Valentina's legs, clinging onto them like a monkey.

Immediately, all trace of anger vanished and she bent down to pick him up. Hunter watched with a wide grin, however they were interrupted by the shrill sound of the bell. Before any of them could get the door, it suddenly swung open and the sound of it smashing against the wall made Hunter wince and Valentina frown. Asher laughed. 

"Ya'll better not be doing the horizontal grind when I come in!" 

"There's a kid present you a-" Valentina slapped his arm and he gave her a nervous laugh.

"Uncle Joshie!" Asher yelled and squirmed out of her arms. Josh came in through the door, a huge box wrapped in red and white wrapping paper in hand. Upon seeing the little one barreling towards him, he tossed the box aside and knelt down. 

"Gimme a kiss!" Asher smacked a kiss onto his cheek which was dotted with stubble.

"Ew! It's pokey!" They laughed just as Mia, Josh's wife, came waddling through the door, hands on her protruding stomach. She awed over Asher and wrapped him up in a bear hug before turning towards the rest of them.

They exchanged greetings and settled in the living room, laughing and sharing memories under the Christmas lights hung around the room. As Valentina was about to get up to get the hot chocolates, Hunter pushed her back down and went to get them himself. 

"After all these years, you would've thought I'm just slightly blind, not missing a leg." Her voice got louder at the end, clearly intending her husband to hear.

Mia and Josh laughed just as Hunter arrived with several cups of hot chocolate. Handing a cup to her, he kissed her on the cheek to erase the irritation etched on her brows. 

"Is Matt and Felix coming soon because we're going to start without them," Valentina said as Asher nudged her for a sip of the warm sweet liquid.

"They texted a few minutes ago saying they're going to come later," Josh replied. "Probably doing their fiances." He coughed out which earned him a smack from Mia. 

"Child present! We don't need you contaminating his innocence with your lack of." 

Asher looked at them curiously and turned to Josh. "How do you do a fian-te?" He mumbled the last word but everyone knew what he was talking about. 

Josh coughed as Valentina and Mia both narrowed their eyes at him, warning him to say something inappropriate. "Well, it's loving someone very thoroughly. Like your mom and dad." 

Asher turned his head to see his dad wrap an arm around his mom. "Okay." They all breathed out a collective sigh of relief. 

As their little get together started with Matt and Felix arriving an hour later with their fiances, all with flushed faces, Valentina settled down in the love seat with a content smile. 

Years ago, she had met a stupid Dumbo through an accidental phone call. Who knew he turned out to be the love of her life and the one willing to stay despite her slight physical disability. When she found out about her vision, she had thought her world would come crashing down. He brought her shattered dreams back together with the support of Matt. Despite his lack of helpfulness, he brought laughter to their front door through a hot pink bunny costume and countless snacks. 

Now, seeing her loved ones around her and a little version of Hunter running around and demanding presents, a strong feeling of gratefulness and love filled her being. She was lucky to have them by her side. 

Hunter came over and settled in next to her, bringing her in to cuddle against his chest. His arms around her brought additional warmth that seeped through her sweater, warming her bones. 

More importantly she was lucky to have him stand by her side for the rest of her life. 

Hunter smiled down at her and she grinned. "I love you, Tater Tot." 

Despite the amount of times and years she had heard those three words, her face flushed and she hid her face into his neck. Smiling, she placed a soft kiss on the base of his neck and whispered, "I love you too, Dumbo." 

Guess an impossibility turned out to be a possibility after all.


Officially done! Writing this chapter gave me the feels. I'm low-key jealous of my own characters lmao. 

Where's my Hunter?! ;-; 

There will be an extra chapter after this so I guess it's not exactly officially done lol. See you all in the next chapter! *waves enthusiastically*

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