11. Josh the Captain

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~ Valentina / Hunter / Josh ~

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~ Valentina / Hunter / Josh ~

"Do you see the fireworks?!"

"Yes, Tater Tot. I have these fascinating circular objects called eyeballs."

"Oooo really? I thought you didn't have any."

"Bitch what? I have lovely eyeballs, thank you very much."

"Can we not talk about your slimy eyeballs?"

"You started it."

"What are you? Five? I- hey! Matt give that back!"

"Hah! Serves you right for dissing on my eyeballs."


"AHA! Please tell me you fell."

"...I didn't."

"Liesss. It's okay Tater tot, the secret is between us. Anyways, what are you up to?"

"Lying in bed. Relaxing and eating cupcakes. How's the beach?"

"Fun. The fireworks look better here. You should come."

"Ohhhh. You want to see me eh?"

"Never said I didn't want to."

"Oh...One day, my jelly bean. One day. Hold on a second, my doorbell just rang."

"Okay I'm back. Guess who it was?!"


"Hey! How did you know? Are you spying on me. Wait. Are you looking at me through the window like creepy Edward does to Bella. Oh god, I'm talking to a creep!!"

"Since I'm a creep now, this creep if going to have Josh take back the smoothie."

"WAIT! You sent the smoothie?"

"Nooo. Hermes did."

".... Was that sarcasm?"

"... Maybe."

"Oh my god! I feel like a proud mom! Let me grab some tissues."

"You're not seriously crying are you. This is just a small feat, Tater Tot. You should save those tears when you see my godly face in person."

"These are proud tears, shut up. Don't get your ego in a bunch. For all I know, you can look like a plastic bag."

"For some reason, I don't feel offended by that."

"WAIT. HOLD UP. REWIND. PAUSE! ....HAHAHA I just imagined you with a plastic bag in place of your head."

"Wow, dont you have a vivid imagination. But don't I get a thank you for the smoothie? I did spend twenty minutes making it!"

"Twenty minutes?! What did you put in there? Actually, no I don't want to know but surprisingly this is sooooo goood! I'll send you a virtual hug of thanks.... It's sent."

"Thanks Tater Tot. Surprisingly, I feel much much warmer."

"Huh? How many layers of clothing are you even wearing?"

"Uhhh... a t-shirt?"

"Put Josh on the phone."

"What? Why?"


"Fine finee."

"Hey, my best friend's girlfriend."

"Exsqueeze me what?"

"Ya'll just need to kiss already."

"I did not ask for you to talk about my love life, you busy body. Now make sure Hunter the Dumbo wears something warmer. I don't care how you do it. Wrap him into a burrito if you must."

"This is easier said than done. Do you know how tall that guy is?!"

"No, blondie. We haven't even seen each other before remember?"

"Ohh yeah. Right. But just a little sneak peak. He's taller than me by half a head."

"You're kidding right?! You're already taller than me by like four inches!"

"Nope, the guy's a giant."

"Hey! I can hear you guys!"

"Bro- what the fuck. You made me almost drop my phone!"

"Suck it up, buttercup."

"Tater toooooott. Josh is being mean to me!"

"Suck it up, buttercup."

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side! What the- Josh  off meh!"

"My work here is done."

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