21. Cold

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Hunter had dropped what he was doing at the smoothie shop as soon as he heard the screech of tires and the honk from the other end of the phone

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Hunter had dropped what he was doing at the smoothie shop as soon as he heard the screech of tires and the honk from the other end of the phone. Numbness had spread from his fingers as the worse scenario flitted across his mind. He couldn't think of anything else but Valentina.

He punched the steering wheel of his car in anger as tears gathered in the corner of his eyes. He had told her to wait until her vision cleared. Wait until she could see before crossing the street. But her stubborn self didn't listen and now she's lying in the street bleeding- No.

He refused to think of the worst. Pulling up near the library where a large crowd of people were standing in front of, Hunter quickly got out of the car and ran towards them.

"Are the straps secured?" A paramedic asked as he grabbed a bag from the ambulance. The others gave him the thumbs up and lifted the cot with a familiar head of dark hair.

"Valentina! Damnit, move!" Hunter called out desperately as he fought through the crowd to reach them. Thankfully, they parted for him like the Red Sea and he ran towards the ambulance.

"Sir, may I ask what your relation is?" One of the paramedics asked him as he attempted to hold him back. Hunter kept his eyes on Valentina's unconscious form, blood covered half of her face. His heart wrenched in a painful way as sobs racked his body.

"I'm her boyfriend!" He called and immediately hopped onto the ambulance, situating himself a on the bench. He so desperately wanted to reach out and caress her face, begging her to open those warm brown eyes. However, he was forced to sit there as the paramedics got to work in stabilizing her.

She was immediately rushed into surgery once they arrived at the hospital. Hunter was forced to sit outside and wait while one of the nurses asked him for any information he knew.

"Full name?"

"Valentina Caverly."

The rest of basic information which he answered with ease. He had remembered everything they had told each other the day before when they had their first lunch date at her house.

"Do you know if she has any medical problems currently or before?"

Hunter nodded his head frantically. "She has vision problems. I think it was Retinitis Pigmentosa."

The nurse quickly jotted that down and with a 'thanks' she went into the room. The sudden sound of pounding footsteps rushing towards Hunter had him look up. A disheveled Matt clad in his work uniform ran towards him with his brother in tow.

"I got the c-call. They said it was bad," Matt choked out as his blood shot eyes scanned Hunter for answers. Felix pulled Matt in close and gave his shoulder a squeeze.

"There was so much b-blood," Hunter whispered brokenly. At his words, Matt choked on a sob and collapsed onto one of the chairs.

Seeing him in his state, Felix stepped toward him and pulled him into a brotherly hug. Though not everything between them had been rekindled, Hunter was still grateful for him to be there. "She'll be okay. She'll be up and bothering you in no time." Hunter let out a chuckle at that.

Mr. and Mrs. Caverly had arrived not long later, even Hunter's mom. Together they sat in the waiting room, waiting in anticipation for the news.


"She's stable." The surgeon greeted them with the wonderful news. Everyone cried in relief and Hunter sagged in his chair, breathing out a shaky sigh.

"Can we go see her?" Mr. and Mrs. Caverly asked and the surgeon nodded.

"Not so loud though."

Her family disappeared inside and Hunter turned towards Felix and his mother. "Thanks for coming. It means a lot."

His mother gave him a sad smile, reaching forward to envelop him in a bear hug. "I got a call from Felix and by God, he didn't specify anything so I immediately thought the worst had happened to you." She laid a hand on his cheek affectionately. "I-I already lost your father, I couldn't lose either of you too. I know. I know I should've been more responsible. I haven't been acting like mother for the past few years."

Their eyes gathered with tears and Hunter and Felix wrapped their mother in a hug. "When I heard that you had a girlfriend, I realized how much I had shut myself out from the world. From my boys. I want to ask if you will ever forgive me?"

"Of course we can. You are and will always be our mother." Felix spoke for them both and with teary smiles, they welcomed their mother's embrace.

"Hunter?" Matt's voice broke them out of their hug and he immediately stood up. "Go on," He nodded his head towards the door as Mr. and Mrs. Caverly both gave him teary smiles.

Placing a hand on the handle, Hunter took a deep breath and opened the door. The heart monitor beeped endlessly as a mask covered her face. Bruises lined one side of her face while scratches lined the other. A white bandage was wrapped around her head. Watching her, laying so pale and limp made his heart wrench again.

Sitting in the the chair beside her bed, his eyes never leaving her face, Hunter sighed as a tear trailed down his face. "H-hey." He took hold of her cold hand. He waited for a response. A twitch of the fingers, a small squeeze, hell even a small movement beneath the eyelids were enough. But she didn't move.

Bringing her hand to his lips, he placed a small kiss there, burying his face in her small hands. "You don't know how scared I was. Why didn't you listen to me, you impatient girl?" He let out a small broken laugh. Opening his mouth, he was about to say more but instead a sob worked its way to the surface.

Sitting in the chair, Hunter shook his head in despair, praying and hoping for a miracle that the girl he loves will wake up soon.


Phew. Poor Hunter and their family :(

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