26. Hugs and Kisses

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This chapter is dedicated to @LunaRoseStar for the comments and votes! @MabelRosita for reminding me of their kiss lmao

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This chapter is dedicated to @LunaRoseStar for the comments and votes! @MabelRosita for reminding me of their kiss lmao. I actually never realized that they had never kissed, whoopsies. 


Valentina blinked an eye open and saw the boy next to her. His arm was wound tightly around her face, cuddling her into his chest as her head laid on his other arm. Like the creep she was, she watched him as he slept. 

His messy bed hair was a huge mass of tangles, a curl flopped onto his forehead. He wrinkled his nose suddenly and she held back a giggle as he frowned. His expression smoothed over as he ducked his head unknowingly closer towards her face. 

Those lips... 

She gulped as he licked his lips. Her heart hammered in her chest as she scooted closer, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. The bed creaked. She paused, eyes darting toward Hunter. When he didn't make any sign of waking, she closed their distance until mere centimeters separated them. 

Holding her breath, she softly pressed her lips against his. They were warm and soft, making her wonder whether he had put on chapstick before they went to sleep. If she didn't her lips would've been so chapped when she woke up. 

Edging away, she peeked up at Hunter to see him staring back. Squeaking, she jumped and pulled the blankets over her head. 

He laughed. "If I knew you wanted me that badly, I would've done so sooner, Tater Tot."

"Ah donf!" Her voice came out muffled, as her face flushed bright red underneath the blanket.

Hunter shook his head and ripped the covers off, making her cover her face with her hands. He grinned at her red face. She was adorable.

Rolling over her so he straddled her with both arms caging her, he placed kisses on her exposed arms. 

Suddenly, she burst out laughing, trying to duck from his face. "It tickles!"

Hunter groaned and wrapped his hands around her. "Way to ruin the moment."

His scent engulfed her and she sneakily took in a sniff. "Are you sniffing me?" His voice held laughter as he leaned back to look down at her.

"Maybe." Valentina stared up at him, into his dark eyes that sparkled with humor. His pink lips twisted into a smirk at her staring. His gaze drifted down to my lips. 

Swooping down, he slanted his lips across hers as his hands held the side of her face. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as her heart thudded frantically. They melded together. Her hands came up to tangle themselves into his hair, pulling. He let out a low groan, as he nipped her lips. She let out a small sound of satisfaction and he grinned. 

He pulled away as he stoked her cheek with his thumb. Looking down at her flushed form and swollen lips had him grinning like a kid on Christmas. He couldn't believe a girl as beautiful and amazing as her was his girlfriend. 

Valentina breathed out a sigh, a giddiness bubbling in her stomach. If Hunter wasn't in the room, she would've been squealing and jumping on the bed. She looked up at him, eyes roving over the contours of his face. Over his eyes, nose, jaw, lips.... 

A sudden bark and a meow made them jump apart. It might as well had been Matt coming in to drag Hunter away and most likely beat the shit out of him for kissing his little sister. Beanie and Loki sat on the floor, staring at them with knowing eyes. Loki stuck his tongue out. 

"Okay...I'm going to get ready." Valentina made an attempt to break away from his hold.

"Can I join you?" He smiled cheekily, eyeing her wrinkled clothes as she walked towards her closet.

She shot him a look, "Nope!" and closed the bathroom door with a small click. Loki and Beanie sat in front of the door. 

"Aw come on, babe." He knocked on the door, pressing his ear up against it when he didn't hear a response. 


Loki whined and Beanie let out a loud mournful yowl. Hunter smirked. "We're lonely out here! We want to be inside with you."

The door suddenly opened, shocking him. Loki and Beanie immediately weaved their way through the narrow slit. Hunter made to follow but the door only slammed shut in his face. "Wait! That's not fair!" Her laughter inside made him smile. 

"Suck it up buttercup!" Valentina yelled through the pelting water. Beanie had sat right in front of the door the moment water came on and Loki was chewing on her hairbrush. Hearing Hunter muttering something about 'unfairness' beyond the door, she laughed. 


Chapter 25 is here!!! They kissed yay! 

Who can relate that their pets try to get attention at the wrong moments? 

*raises hand* 

Anyways hope you like the chapter! Until next time! 


- Lara

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