25. Sleepover

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~ Valentina / Hunter ~

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~ Valentina / Hunter ~

"Where are you?"



"You literally just called ten seconds ago."

"So? Someone needs to make sure you're alright."

Valentina pinched her nose in exasperation. Hunter had been calling her nonstop every few seconds and she was about ready to throw her phone into the wall. "Okay but can you not call every ten seconds?"

"Nope! I need to make sure you're not doing something idiotic that  will put your life in danger again."

"I won't. I promise."


"Now can I go back to book hunting?"

"Finee. But call me when you get home. Actually scratch that. Call me when you step out of the store. Wait no. After you bought-"

Valentina ended the call. She understood why Hunter was so worried and she knew it was stupid of her. It's not like she would do it again. She couldn't bare walking around in crutches for the past few weeks and have Matt watching her like a pregnant cat about to give birth. 

Thanking the lady behind the counter, Valentina grabbed the bag of books and walked out the door. She was about to walk when a arms wrapped around her from behind and a quick kiss was placed on her cheek. 

Turning around, the sight of a grinning Hunter made her smile and shake her head. "I'm going to die of heart attacks by the age of twenty."

"No you won't, I'll be there to do CPR." He gave her a wink. She scoffed. 

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

He shrugged and grabbed her cold hand in his, frowning. Pulling her to a stop, she watched in confusion as he unwrapped the multi-colored scarf around his neck and proceeded to wrap her up in it. 

"Seriously?" She asked and he gave her a dimpled grin. 

Ignoring her question, he answered, "Josh, being the best friend that he is, volunteered to help take up my shift. Plus, I wanted to spend more time with you."

Valentina's cheeks grew warm and she ducked her head, letting a few strands of hair cover to flaming face. They walked towards her house, enjoying each others warm presence. A few inches of snow had gathered at her front porch and the sound of barking sounded from within. 

"Loki!" Her boyfriend squealed and ran towards the front door. He definitely had the maturity of an eighteen year old boy. 

Upon seeing them, Loki continued barking excitedly, tail beating rapidly in the air. When they came through the door, he immediately launched himself at the man. 

Valentina looked on in disbelief as they coddled each other. "And to think I was the one who took care of you when you were a few weeks old. Traitor."

Hunter looked up at her, his brown hair a mess as Loki continued trying to pull at it. "What can I say. He loves me more than you."

"No he doesn't! Come boy," Valentina clapped her hands and Loki bounded towards her. "Good boy! Now say you love me." Loki barked, his tongue lulling out. 

Hunter's mouth dropped. "Excuse you, it doesn't work that way." He whistled and the large dog came barreling straight at him. He laughed, rubbing his head lovingly. 

"Stop manipulating him!"

"I'm not! Clearly you can see who he loves more."

"Yes you are! Stop making him stare at you like you're some god!"

"That's because I am a god!"

"No you're not! You're an ugly human being!"

"Well you're dating an ugly human being!"

Loki watched them banter back and forth and huffed. His tail continued to wag as he smiled. Suddenly a meow caught their attention. 

Valentina watched, dumbfounded as Beanie walked into view. "I'm sorry, when did she get here?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that we're having a sleepover."

"A what?!"

"A sleepover." Hunter repeated slowly.

"And you think to tell me this now?"

"It slipped my mind. I got distracted by your cuteness." He gave her a charming smile.

Valentina's expression remained unmoved as she watched Beanie go up to Loki and sat between his legs. Loki looked down at the fluffy cat and gave her head a sloppy lick. She sighed, "I'm not even going to ask. But Matt might turn into Hulk Smash and throw you out. Just saying." 

"Actually, he agreed."

She spluttered. "He did? What about my parents?"

Hunter shrugged and leaned against the sofa. "They went out and told us to have fun."

"What did you do?" Valentina couldn't believe that her parents and Matt had left her alone. In the house. With her boyfriend and a cat. 

Hunter raised his hand in defense. "Don't look at me like that. I'm a charming person."

Valentina shook her head and went up to her room to set down her books. Taking a quick shower and changing into more comfortable clothing, she walked past the kitchen to see Hunter with her mom's flower apron. He was at complete ease as he hummed and danced, all the while whipping something up in the pot. 

"Nice dance moves." 

Hunter looked over to see her laughing. "Thanks."

"What are you making?"

"Spaghetti and some clam chowder." He piled some pasta on two plates and laid on some tomato sauce. Grabbing two bowls, he spooned some chowder and set them on the table. 

Valentina walked over to the bag of dog and cat food. Hunter had even brought over all of Beanie's things, including her purple sparkly bowls. At the sound of kibbles filling their bowls, Loki came scrambling in with Beanie handing off of his mouth. 


Hunter leaned over and waved her concern away. "He has been doing that since I brought her over. They're all good."

Valentina watched as Loki dropped Beanie at her food bowl as he went toward his. Shaking her head at the oddity, she and Hunter settled down at the kitchen table and dug in. 

A few hours of Monopoly and a movie later, they laid beside each other on her bed. They were wrapped up in each others arms and were drifting off when the clicking of nails sounded across the room. A large furry body tried to squirm its way in between them. 

"Nooo. Loki go away." Hunter hugged Valentina closer so the dog won't be able to come in between them.

After a few more tries, Loki gave up and settled on their legs instead. The bed bounced a little as another form jumped onto it. Beanie stalked up to them and sniffed each of them on the face, checking for something. With a small meow of satisfaction, she clambered in between Loki's curled up form, purring. 


I'm going to dognap and catnap Loki and Beanie. 

Just kidding y'all. 

Remember to vote and comment your thoughts! <3 

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