Chapter Fourteen

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The next couple weeks was hectic meetings with the Davenport pack training, intensive training. the Davenport warriors started training with their pack Brendan's Beta Spencer split time between the Thorn pack and his pack as Brendan stated he felt a need a pull to stay there and do what he could to help. Sutton and Axel would steal any moment alone they could leading to heated make out sessions in his office in between breaks stolen glances across the dinner table and once their make out session got so heated if it wasn't for Axel's quick thinking to lock the door Seth almost walked in on them having sex in his office. By the time they would get home they were so exhausted it took everything in them just to take a shower and fall into bed to be instantly asleep. It was a Friday when the next shock came Sutton and Axel was awaken by someone beating on the front door, Axel jumps out of bed sliding on some loose fitting sweat pants leaving his chest bear as he mimicked to Sutton to remain quiet he slowly made his way downstairs Sutton remained a few steps behind him. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs she saw him breath a sigh of relief and headed to open the door to reveal a panting Seth, not even greeting the two Seth instantly entered the house going straight to the kitchen placing an envelope in his hand on the counter and filling a glass of water only to down it in one gulp and refill it " what the fuck Seth?!" Axel was heated seeing as he thought the banging was a threat. Seth continued to drink his water as he slide the envelope across the counter towards Axel, who raised an eyebrow picking it up and opening it only to growl moments later " that fucking bitch I should of known" he swore as he handed the envelope to Sutton. At what she read she honestly wasn't surprised : 

                                                 Dearest Luna Bitch

                                     You Should have listened to me when I told you to

                                      stay away from Axel but you just have to be a little 

                                      slut didn't you no matter I found my happiness outside 

                                       of that pathetic pack and when Phoenix comes to finish 

                                       you im going to take great pleasure in making you suffer 

                                        before we kill u then Axel will see who was the better choice 

                                        but dont worry princess ill make sure hes taken care of when 

                                         your gone 

                                                                                             see you soon bitch


Sutton looked at Axel " honestly Im not even surprised the hated me the first time I even stepped onto school grounds she was obsessed with you and when I threaten that she lost it but the way she states it in the letter is like shes Phoenix's mate isn't he like her dad's age" Sutton asked looking up she see's Axel's and Seth's amused face " what?" she questions " out of that whole letter talking about killing you and quote on quote taking care of me the only thing you comment on is that she has daddy issues" and with that Axel loses it and doubles over in laughter as Seth does the same. Sutton pauses for a moment and then joins in to their laughter until they could all calm themselves " well as I stated before I wasn't surprised and I don't need to be shown who the better choice was even if it wasn't me it would had never been her" Sutton states as Axel steps toward her wrapping his arms around her waist and bringing her flush against his chest " it would of always been you" he whispers in her ear going to kiss her as Seth clears his throat from beside them causing them both to just turn their heads and look the at " um best friend in the room y'all can make babies another time" he said in a frilly voice causing Sutton to smack his arm " owe that hurt remember woman your a Lycan now meaning your stronger than me and can hurt me " Sutton smacked him again " good" she laughed as she headed up stairs to change.

Axel stopped her half way up " don't worry about training clothes im calling off training today giving everyone the day off" he told her she came back down two steps "why because of the letter Axel don't worry ab.." he stopped her by meeting her on the same step taking her face in his hands " no not because of the letter we've just been so busy I just want this one day with my girl" he kissed at which Sutton instantly responded. Axel made good on his promise he called everyone letting them know that they had the day off to spend with their friends and family and to rest and tomorrow they would start on normal schedule while Axel was making his phone calls Sutton decided to go to the kitchen gathering and making different snacks. She was just finishing up when Axel joined her looking at all the finger sandwiches wings chips sweets and so many other things, they ended up laying around watching movies and joking back and fourth then deciding to order pizza they called Seth, Asher, Brendan and Spencer over to join them, the six acted like there wasn't a war lerking at their backdoor they watched movies cut up and joked even decided to pull out old bored games and a deck of UNO cards Axel still had from where him and Lacy we're kids they enjoyed their evening and the others didn't start heading home till late into the night. 

Sutton cleaned up their mess while Axel was in the shower before she headed up to their room for bed, while putting the games Sutton couldn't help but to think of Lacy she missed her so much and as selfish as it was she wished she was here right then but knew she was sent away for her own safety, Sutton finished putting the last item and made it to their bedroom right as Axel exited the bathroom bare chest and low hung draw string sweat pants towel drying his hair he stopped once he noticed Sutton's mood " hey whats wrong kitten" he ask joining her on the bed " its nothing just missing Lacy " she explained he sighed " yea I miss the little brat too" Sutton swatted her hand at him making him laugh " hey shes my little sister so it makes her brat but I do miss her too but I know shes having an amazing time in London and when this is all over she can come home" Axel placed his hand on Sutton's check rubbing his thumb soothingly over her lips then he leaned in and lightly pecking her lips causing her to smile. He then laid down pulling her into his arms " I can feel Sutton its not going to be long I just hope were ready" Axel spoke softly doubt and uncertain clearly in his voice, Sutton leaned up on her elbows " we're going to win this Axel and then im going to make you my husband and we're gonna find our two knuckle head best friends their mates and find your sisters mate and we're all going to live happily ever after" Axel laughed " I like the sound of that and I feel sorry for the girls stuck with those two and the guy that has to deal with the protective older brother" at this Axel puff's out his chest causing Sutton to laugh and lay back on his chest " I love you Kitten" Axel kissed the top of her head " I love you too Alpha" Axel growled in satisfaction as they both drifted off to sleep.

Alpha Axel's LunaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ