Chapter 8

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     When the deer was nothing but bones, I retreated back to my corner at the back of the cave and curled up in a ball. I was still tired, and beyond cold, and aching. I closed my eyes, hoping for sleep to come, but the frigid air would have nothing of it. Even at the back of the cave, between two rocks, where the wind could barely reach me, my thin layer of fur was not enough to protect me. It had started to thicken for the upcoming winter, but I knew it would never be enough. I was adapted to regulate my body temperature so I wouldn't die of heatstroke, and here I was, unable to get it up.

     I almost laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

     Soon after I'd settled down in my corner and failed to fall asleep, Fenris came over. He looked down at me from his standing form, a little over two-and-a-half foot tall at the shoulder. He nudged me out of the way so I was pressed more tightly against the rock wall and curled up around me. Instantly his heat travelled from his body to mine and I relaxed, finally at the right temperature. I let my eyelids flutter close over my golden irises as Morpheus took me in his brotherly embrace.

I'm still irritated at you for disobeying orders that were for your own health.


     I woke up warm and comfy between a rock wall and another wall of fur— Fenris. I yawned widely and shook my head.

So the Little Wolf finally awakens, came Fenris' voice through the mind link.

I was tired.

You wouldn't have been as tired if you hadn't gone hunting.

Oh, because you think that I could have relaxed and sleep correctly in this fucking cold?

You should have told me! I would have built a fire or something.

Do you even know how to build a fire?

I know the basics.

     We both sighed at the same time. I knew I was being unfair with him. I should have stayed in the cave, but I had to train my hunting skills for when he would leave me— for he would inevitably leave one day, and I would be alone once more. However, for the meantime, he was here and he had brought down a deer for me, as well as warmed me up. So I took the greatest breath I could, pushed down my pride and dignity and apologized.

Listen, Fenris. I'm really sorry I disobeyed you. I have my own reasons to do so, but I shouldn't have gone passed your orders because they were for my own good.

It's alright. I'm sorry I was about to leave you in the cold. I should have thought better.

     I turned my head away and shrugged as best I could while in my wolf form. Scraping up what was left of my dignity, I sent a 'whatever' through the link.

     I swear I heard Fenris chuckle down the line.

Okay, now that all the mushy stuff is over and done with, you promised you'd train me in fighting.

You promised you wouldn't leave.

Actually I didn't, but if you don't want to train me, it's okay. I'll do it on my own.

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