Chapter 34

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I looked at Lycaon, a doubting glint in my golden eyes.

What do you mean?

He nudged the wolf's flank, just behind his elbow. A crescent moon had been burned into the fur and skin, leaving an angry black mark.

This is Luna's mark. You don't know it—well you don't remember—but I do. And so does the rest of the gang.

Shit. Will I have to die again? I'd really rather not. I don't know what it's like but I'd really rather not try. You know, I actually like living.

I'll protect you. We all will. You're more powerful this time. I can feel it. Cassandra, I've been alive for over two thousand years and you are the most powerful Wolf I have ever come across. With Fenris, you could rattle the stars, if only you tried.

I don't want this destiny, Lycaon. I just want to be done with the Heat and the drama! I'm not gonna try for something I don't care about.

But you do care, Cassandra. Because even rocks have a heart of diamond.

Shut up.

     I turned around, Fenris following me. He nudged my neck with his nose and rubbed his flank against mine in comfort.

     I think it was at that moment that I realized that I trusted Fenris. Completely and with the biggest abandon. I knew he'd never leave my side, no matter what, and that he would take care of me and listen to me and take my advice into consideration. He treated me not as a superior, or an inferior, but as an equal. And that was the first time it had ever happened to me.

     The bond purred in my head, flaming brighter. It lived for emotions and realizations like these.

     Fenris looked at me, a knowing glint in his shimmering silver eyes. He could feel it too.

     I nuzzled his neck.


     Night tucked her thick, cozy blanket over the world, shielding us completely from sight. Her billion stars winked on, like a billion silvery eyes checking up on us. We were her children after all.

     Morrigan slashed two silex stones she kept in the pack together and a spark flashed briefly in the night. It caressed the dry wood and then lighted it up, a crackling fire taking its place. The she-Wolf then threw me a bundle of clothes and I grabbed them off the ground.

     I disappeared in the friendly darkness of the night for a moment, sliding on the loose gray sweatpants and sweatshirt. The nights were still cool, and Morrigan had had the smart idea of giving me a thick pair of wooly socks too. I silently wondered where she kept the pack during the traveling time. I'd never seen her with it.

     With that, I padded back to the camp, sitting down cross-legged next to Fenris. He'd already changed, sporting more or less the same attire as I did, and he smiled at me sleepily. And then he lay down on his side, his head in my lap so that he had a perfect view on my stomach. I smiled down at him and threaded my fingers through his hair. He wasn't tense before, but he seemed to get even more relaxed until he turned his head slightly, gently kissed my hand, and then closed his eyes, long lashes falling over starry irises.

     Sensing a gaze on me, I lifted my head and my eyes immediately caught the strikingly golden ones of Morrigan. She smiled at me, though her eyes were still assessing me. I tensed, ready to protect myself and Fenris in case she pounced.

Instead, all she said was, "I'm glad it's you, Cassandra, that was good enough for Amarok's wild," before turning around and slipping into her sleeping bag.

     Teras lifted his gaze from the fire at that moment and looked at Morrigan's form with an indescribable emotion in his eyes for a second or two. Then his amber irises found mine.

"I'll check up on the mutt, Alpha Queen. Have a good night."

     As he got up to leave, I stopped him.



"It doesn't do well to dwell on past emotions and feelings. They're past for a reason."

     He nodded and started again.

     Again I interrupted him.

"And Teras."


"I might be starting to trust you. We're in East Clan tomorrow. I hope you will stay by my side," then, almost as an afterthought, "Even though Gods knows I don't deserve it."

"I know the feeling."

     And before I had the chance to stop him a third time, he turned around and faded into the darkness.

     I wondered when he'd felt the way I did, and was taken with the desire to tear apart whatever had caused it. He was Pack, and nobody and nothing hurt Pack without suffering.

     A lot.

A/N) too tired for an author's note. Here's chappie 34 (can you believe that??)
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Vote, whatever, I'm too tired to really care right now
- Lexie

What should the ship name be for Fenris + Cassandra?

Too tired...

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