Chapter 15

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"I much prefer this way. Attached before me, at my mercy," the male said with a predatory grin on his scarred lips.

I finally opened my mind to his and growled as loud as I could both with my mind-voice and the real one. To his credit, a perfectly emotionless mask slid onto his face, like some kind of weird TV effect. However, I could clearly smell the faint, acrid stench of his fear.

Afraid, are we? I sneered into his mind. But I am merely a simple female...

He snarled, and I snarled right back.

Shut up, female. I will mate you and break you to the rules. Your drop of feistiness won't change a thing. You're weak. You let the male die.

If it wasn't the second to last sentence that had ignited my fury, it was the last that made that thin string inside of me snap. I threw my weight forward, snapping my teeth at him and he narrowly evaded my attack. He backed at a safe distance from me. This made me see red. A blinding rage built up inside me and burned brighter than a bonfire. I snarled so loud the females cowered back in fear, and the male flinched slightly. A white hot power enveloped me, buzzing and crackling like a thousand bees and a thousand dead leaves underfoot, and the wolf in me pushed forward in fury. Her Alpha shone bright, and the crackling intensified, like the wild flames of a forest fire.

Saliva flew from my mouth like some Feral, and I was sure my eyes were a crazed golden color. The hair on my back was stood so high, I was sure I looked like I'd just been electrified. My body strained forward, lunging at the male in fury, and my fangs snapped close to his right shin. I had lost my sight on one eye, but Cassandra was not and would never be weak. I almost roared in rage but my anatomy was not fit for the sound. Instead I let out a growl that made the walls shake and I lunged once more. However, this time the ring imbedded in the pole was suddenly ripped out and I came crashing into the astonished male. I wasted no time in sinking gleaming white daggers in his wrist, the most accessible part of his body right now.

He yelled out in pain and the sound fueled my fury. The guards were gone. The only ones present in this hell hole were the male, the dozen or so females, and my raging self.

I want to kill, to rip you to pieces, I howled in his head.

I went in for the kill again, but was met this time head on by a medium-sized tawny wolf with a few scars on his hide. Less than I did. He used his larger body mass to ram me, and I nearly lost my footing. I was back on my feet in an instant, though, and lunged at him. He was a good fighter, at least as good as Fenris, but I was famished and already wounded from my previous fights. I was not fit to battle right now. However, I was crazy. And I would not go down without injuring him.

The sound that escaped my throat as I flew at the male was close to that of a roar, and resonated in the cell. I landed on him and he fell to the ground with a thump, using my momentum to make us roll a few times, and when we resurfaced, my back was lying on the hard stones and he was over me, panting.

I wish we hadn't come to that, female, alas you forced me to. Tomorrow, when you're fully healed, I mate you.

Like hell, I spit out in his mind, body trembling with rage and adrenaline.

You have no choice, female. You mate me or you die. I know you're already starting to feel your heat again after that week and a half you spent in the cold.

It was true. Warmth had begun to gather up in my core, and I knew it would turn into a blistering heat in no time. But how had he known?

How do you know, mutt?

He swiped a paw at my blind side and I couldn't evade it. It hit me strongly and my head whipped to the side, banging hard on the stone ground, and I saw stars.

You don't insult me, female. Now how did I know? Because your previously alluring scent is becoming more and more appealing every minute. I don't know if I'll be able to resist till tomorrow.

I think you'll have to resist many, many, many more days before mating me, mutt. Actually, you'll never mate me.

He shifted and sat up on my abdomen, holding my paws down, and reached for the collar behind me, hissing slightly at the pain of the burn, and clasped it onto my writhing neck.

See you tomorrow, mate.

     He left in a flurry of darkness, and my snarl echoed in the screaming silence of the room.

A/N) I think I need to stop with these cliffhangers, but they're just too fun😂😂
This chapter is a bit short compared to usual, but I needed to stop there...
I sometimes pity my crush because he usually eats alone outside campus even if he has friends... Plus I pity him 'cuz he ain't got my perky ass to cheer him up💁💁It's his loss!
- Lexie

What's your favorite quote?

"When people are desperate, they get very creative."
- Jeff Smoller

Though it changes a lot. Wait till I discover a new one 😂😂

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