Chapter 22

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If I was certain of one things in the first minute of out escape, it was that Maybell was noisy, almost excessively so. Her claws clicked rhythmically on the stone ground, the repetitive sound echoing in the huge cell where I'd woken up. The other females were quite silent, showing years of sneaking around houses to do housework without being noticed in front of guests. It would have been better if it were because they'd been trained to fight and hunt. Sadly, this wasn't the case.

Maybell, can you do me the pleasure of walking silently? You might know the way out but your noisiness will make me leave you here. We don't need a whistleblower among us.

Yes, Alpha.

The clicking died down after that, but still reappeared every few seconds.

The first problem came when my keen nose picked up the distinct scent of a Feral. The rotting crocodile stench, coupled with festering fish was a dead giveaway.

Stop. There's a Feral.

Maybell's answer was almost immediate.

Someone needs to kill it.

I will, came Sahara's mind-voice.

I nodded at her as she stalked past, melting into the shadows like they were her friends. The tendrils of darkness crowded around her like warm hands, hugging her in their black embrace. Soon, she disappeared completely.

A strangled, whimper-like sound rose from the darkness, slicing through the resounding silence. Then there was nothing, until the Southern she-Wolf crept back in, the shadows dissolving behind her.

There. It's done.

     I nodded at her once more, and we were off again.

     This time, Maybell was more silent, and we crossed many corridors undetected. However, none of us released our guard. Even if they'd grown up fairly safe, the females now knew their lives were on the line.

The second challenge came when, at the bend of a long, brightly illuminated hallway, we came across a set of giant, looming gates. They glared down at us in all their decorated, forged fury, and I saw it was hard for some of the females not to back down in front of the threat. Two Ferals guarded the gate right and left, beyond the rising spears. They were unaware of our presence at the moment, too deep into their individual craziness to notice the two dozen females huddled at the corner of the corridor. Even the smell of our heat passed by undetected.

Someone must go and kill them, came Maybell's patronizing voice.

Maybell, I would appreciate if you didn't take it upon you to be the leader of this group. I can do this fine without your input. You are only needed for your knowledge.

Yes, Alpha.

Good. I will go kill them.

Wait—, I sent her a piercing look and she backed down, head bowed and tail between her legs.

I nodded at the others and stalked to the gates. My belly was low to the ground until I was right in the middle of the hallway, at the limit between the light and the dark. I was in the dark.

I shifted into my human form, letting my sandy black fur melt into soft, tan skin. I was curvy, with a small waist, and until now I'd always seen that defined hourglass figure as a curse that attracted the lusting gaze of males, but at this moment I thanked the Gods for my body.

I took my first step in the brightly lit part of the hallway, making sure that I was in plain sight. My long, curly hair fell down to my waist, covering my breasts, resembling a waterfall of darkness. I was confident enough to know I looked like Álainn, the Goddess of Love. Enough males had repeated that enough times.

     The first Feral turned its bald head towards me. He must not have been more than thirty, but his crazy, sickly yellow eyes made him look older. His face was riddled with both scars and lines of heartbreak, and for a second, my soul ached for him and his loss, before remembering he had most likely forcefully taken her.

     His eyes widened at my sight and a long strand of drool slipped from his lips. He licked them, and the movement reminded me of the one I did when I saw food I liked. It almost sent a shiver of disgust skitter down my spine like a frightened fawn. I kept it in, and put another foot down, making sure to swing my hips as I did so.

     The second male's head swiveled to where I stood. His gaze was vicious and red-rimmed. The yellow irises swept up and down my figure like he hadn't seen a female in years. All of a sudden I wasn't this sure about everything anymore. I hated the way they leered at me like that. Only one make was aloud to do so, and it wasn't either of them.

     The closer I got, the tighter they gripped the forged bars of the gates. Finally I was right in front, all of my concentration on retraining myself from jumping at them now and mauling because of the way they looked at me. I stretched my hand out, fingertips grazing the metal, and I smiled.

"Greetings, males," I whispered, forcing my voice not to tremble.

     They couldn't see I was shit-scared.

"Well hello there, Álainn," the first one said.

     What had I said?

"Do you know how I could get to your master?" I racked my brain for an excuse as to why I would want to see their master, "He sent for me."

    They were too enraptured by my body to notice my shitty excuse, and instead, the second one spoke up.

"What will we have if we open the gates?"

    My only answer was to push my hair back behind my shoulders, baring my breasts. I felt dirty and soiled, violated by their hungry gaze even though they had not and would not touch me. I'd make sure of it.

     In no time, they had slid the locks of the gate, pushing the giant creature open.

"Why, come out, Álainn."

"Oh, I will."

     My face contorted into a glare as my lips lifted up into a snarl, and then I was pouncing. My fur took over mid-leap, and I landed on the stunned Feral, leaving him no time to recuperate as I slashed at his throat. It was too late for him by the time the second Feral jumped at me, shifting. He latched onto the scruff of my neck with his powerful jaws, and ripped me off his partner.

     This was a situation I'd already been in, with the other Feral, when I'd first gotten taken. I thrashed in his grip and turned around, snapping at his forehead and eyes with my teeth at the same time as I kicked back my hind legs, effectively knocking the air out of him. He let me go and I leapt at him again, aiming at his throat. He dodged and I went skidding. He came back at me and I rolled from underneath him, jumping at his exposed neck. I bit into it, ignoring the gagging reflex the stench and taste of his mangy fur emitted.

     He was dead in a matter of seconds.

You can come.

A/N) Here it is! Sorry for the late post, I completely forgot today was Thursday, we're on vacation after all 😂😂 I hope y'all had a great start of the year, and are full of resolutions we all know you won't keep😋😋
About this chapter and how I described Cassie's body, I just want to tell you: yes, I said her hourglass shape was beautiful. Does that mean that a pear shape, an inverted triangle, and apple or a rectangle are bad? They aren't y'all are beautiful and handsome however the fuck you are and I hope you know it.
This was also proof that women don't need to know how to fight to get men to do what they want😂😂 We're effing Queens, my girls!👑👑👸👸
- Lexie

What do you look like (and no, it's not to judge you or be creepy about your image, and you don't have to answer this)?

Shoulder length light brown hair, army green eyes, fairly pale skin (see what I did there? Fair-ly pale skin), freckles, tall, body shape on the limit between a pear and an hourglass.

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