Chapter 29

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     Fenris had not seen it coming. One moment he was sitting on the far side of the fire, talking civilly with Lycaon and Morrigan for the first time since they'd stumbled upon him. The next, a small bullet of sandy black fur was hurtling towards him over the fire and attacking him.

     Or that's what he'd thought until the familiar scent had come leaping at his nose. It was like the last drop of water in a scorching desert, or the sweet taste of brown honey, or the soothing warmth of sunlight, or the brutal saltiness of the ocean and the marshes. It wrapped around his senses and he was filled with pure bliss.

As if by instinct, he coiled his strong arms around the small wolf and buried his nose in her neck. He could feel the cold, wet sensation of her nose poking at his own throat and chest and cheeks and ears and nose. He even thought she'd touched his lips at one point. He wasn't sure though.

Fenris used his body weight and strength to turn them over so she was on her back and he was covering her. She was too caught up in licking him joyously to notice though. He leaned to her large, triangular ear and whispered one word.


The she-wolf shivered and then the fur melted away as her bones grew and adjusted to welcome the new form.

Fenris trembled slightly as the parts where his skin wasn't covered touched against his soulmate's soft body. Her round breasts pressed against the hard plains of his chest as he took in a shuddering breath. He'd seen her naked before when the male had attacked her and tried to rape her, but he'd been too deep in his self-loath because he'd almost arrived too late to really notice anything.

     However, now that he could concentrate on her fully, no danger lurking around, he realized how hot and sexy and beautiful she was. She blinked her golden eye at him, and he froze.

     She'd had two of those beautiful irises the last time he'd seen her. Now, he noticed the four long silver scars, a stark contrast against the tan skin, that cut through her right eye. They resembled a scythe, and Fenris shivered in reverence. She brought death with her where ever she went. Her right eye was now a milky white color, like a pearl.

     Now, he noticed several new scars, like the tear in her left ear or the slight burn scarring on her neck. He was filled with an immense feeling of self-hate. He'd failed in his duty to protect her, and now she'd lost an eye and gained many scars. And who knew what lay beneath the surface? What pale lines criss-crossed her fighter's soul?

"I'm sorry, Gods Little Wolf, I'm so sorry. I failed. Again. I swore I'd protect you, and I didn't. And now look at you. I should have been there. I should have killed those Ferals. I failed you," he whispered against her neck, carefully kissing the silver swirls of the burns.

     A tear dropped from his right eye, as though it were crying for the one his soulmate had lost.

     It was then that a soft, yet strong hand came up. His Little Wolf stroked his head, rubbing his scalp in a soothing circle.

"I'm Cassandra, Fenris. And instead of worrying about the scars I collected when I freed twenty or so females, you should worry about the balls I'm gonna tear off because you didn't tell me we were soulmates. You bastard," she growled.

     His heart soared. He finally knew her name, and she seemed to not hold a grudge on his failure. However, he knew he would always be on the lookout for her from now. He'd made twice the same mistake, but not a third time. He'd make sure of it.

     He rolled off of her and then right back on as he realized she wasn't dressed. He loved her body and worshipped everything she touched and every single scar that adorned the golden-brown skin, but he refused to let anyone else see it.

"Morrigan, do you have a spare set of clothes?" he called out.

     He heard the Wolves behind him laugh, and he shot a look over his shoulder to glower at them. It only spurred his scowl.

     From the corner of his eye, he saw a very large reddish wolf with a creamy belly slink around the fire to lay down opposite Morrigan. Another fairly big tawny she-wolf—however still just two thirds of his size—followed him and curled with her back touching his.

     They seemed to mean no wrong, and so he decided to wonder about them later. Morrigan and Lycaon looked like they knew the male at least.

     Morrigan threw him a pair of warm leggings, a t-shirt, and a fluffy sweatshirt. He looked back at her, an eyebrow raised. He didn't need to talk.

"I wouldn't want to sound ungrateful but a bra and perhaps panties and socks would be greatly appreciated!" Cassandra—Gods he could've repeated her name over and over and over—sassed.

     He loved her voice. It was just the right pitch, with rich undertones, powerful vowels and just the slight roughness to it. Distantly—or not, really—he wondered what it would sound like screaming his name as he brought her over the edge.

He quickly leaped away from the dangerous waters of his imagination. They would do no good right now.

"How are you, Cassandra?" he asked as soon as she was dressed.

He felt immensely guilty still.

"Right now I'm fucking cold because the Gods didn't find it smart to give me a triple fur layer like you have," she grumbled, wrapping her clothes tighter around her curvy frame.

Fenris chuckled at that.

"Well you are from the South, Little Wolf. I doubt you'd need fur that thick over there, even in winter," he teased.

"Shut up and hug me, insensitive asshole," his soulmate growled again.

He did just that, wrapping his strong arms around her so she was pressed against him, and he moved them to the fire. They were together.


A/N) I'm on vacay so of course time isn't ticking the way it should🙄🙄😂😂 but I posted!
Don't have much to say right now, except that I'm reading one of the best books ever, that I'll share on my page, so be on the lookout 😉
Vote, share, comment, I'm always happy when I see notifications,
- Lexie

Do you read anything other than werewolf?

Yeah, I read Teen Fiction, Fantasy, and Romance too

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