Chapter Four

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Saturday, The Club, 7:00 pm, Yoongi's POV:

Partying is literally the last thing you want to be doing right now. You are still so confused about everything Jin said the other night, and his detective friend wasn't much help. He asked you about a million questions about Y/n, but you kept on being distracted by his face. You are slouched in a chair, holding you glass of champagne and not talking to anyone. You may have to be here for your company but that doesn't mean you have to socialize. Y/n picked this outfit out for you to wear a few days ago, and now it feels like it's suffocating you.

You are watching the door and listening to the conversations of people around you, when all of a sudden, Jin enters the club with 4 of the most attractive people you have ever seen. Three boys and one girl, who actually looks a little bit like Y/n, if she were taller and had darker hair. He wasn't kidding when he said they were an attractive family. These must be his cousins, you think as you watch Namjoon walk quickly up to them and kisses Jin on the cheek, making him blush, before shaking hands with the other three boys. You had no idea how he didn't get distracted by their looks, especially the little one.

The boy looked over at you from across the room and flashed you a brilliant smile. He was the most beautiful person you have ever seen. Maybe he was the model, Park Jimin, that Jin had mentioned yesterday. Wait... he is walking over to you. You sit up properly and fix your jacket a bit and tried to look calm and cool. You couldn't stop watching how he walked, he was so graceful, like a dancer. The boy took a drink off the tray of a passing waiter without even looking at it, before he finally reached where your spot. Still smiling beautifully, he sat on the arm of your chair and crossed his legs, looking down at you and saying in a high, sweet voice, "Hey there handsome, what's your name?"

You just stared at him, totally caught off guard by his sudden closeness. You could feel the heat of his body against your shoulder as he leaned down a little and looked into your eyes. He was so stunning, it was like you forgot how to speak. "Don't be shy," he said with a tinkling laugh, "My name is Park Jimin." So, he was the model, and you could see why, who wouldn't want him to wear every single thing they made. "I'm M-min Yoongi," you finally managed to say, stuttering slightly as you looked into his eyes. Why did you have to stutter, you sounded like an idiot! He was going to think you were stupid!

"Mmm... so you're the other boss then? He asked, his voice sounding like a purr as he ran a finger over the lapel of your jacket. You open your mouth slightly, trying to say yes, but you can't answer him. His hand on your chest is so distracting. He gives you a sly smile before sliding smoothly off the armrest and on to your lap."I've heard some of your music, I love it so far. Your rap is fantastic, and so fast," he purrs at you before taking a sip of his drink. He closes his eyes and tilts his head back when he drinks, and you almost stop breathing.

"Th-thanks..." you manage to say, stuttering again as he looks you in the eyes again. He gracefully lays an arm around your shoulder and slips his finger under your collar, tugging it gently, and you gulp. You ACTUALLY gulped! This is so embarrassing, you are acting like a 13-year-old, man up! You manage to look away from his face and take a sip of your drink, as casually as you can manage, and put an arm loosely around his waist. "So, you're Jin's cousin?" You ask, still not looking at him and take another sip of your drink.

The feeling of his body on you is making you all out of focus, you can't think straight. "Yes, and the other three over there are my cousins as well. The blonde one is named Taehyung, and the dark haired one is Jungkook. The girl is Jungkook's sister, Jisoo." He answered you in a silly voice, but you forgot to listen since you accidentally looked at his beautiful face. All you can manage is, "Mmm... that's nice," and you stop yourself from reaching out and touching his hair. It's so shiny and catches the light every time he moves. He flashes you that brilliant smile again and asks, "would you like to meet them?"

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