Chapter 8

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Monday, The Mansion, 10:30 pm, Your POV:

You were still sitting in the dining room with Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung. Yoongi had pulled Jimin off somewhere when you had taken his air away, but you didn't particularly care why or where. "Where can I get more of that blood, apart from the obvious?" you asked, turning your smirk on Jin. You would quite like to take his air away too, but blood seemed more important right now.

"Jungkook, get them some please," he replied, and you watched Jungkook go and return in a split second with a tray and three fresh glasses. His speed seemed perfectly normal to you now. You decided to try out your power and shifted a breeze so that it curled around one glass and floated it in your direction. You delicately lifted it out of the air and sipped it lightly. All five of them stared at you, but you stared right back, setting your glass on another breeze so it floated next to you. "Why did you do this, Jinnie?" Namjoon said from the other side of the table. He had stopped changing colors, thank god, but you felt Hoseok get tense next to you.

You were very curious to hear Jin's answer but thought it would be better if he remained emotionally stable, at least for now, so you smoothly reached a hand out and placed it on Hoseok's shoulder, tilting your head slightly in his direction. Taehyung and Jungkook both turned to look at you in the same instant, but you just smirked at them. You remembered them too and weren't best pleased with them for kidnapping you. You felt Hoseok relax, and Jin answered softly, "Because Jimin believes Yoongi is his mate, his partner for life, and I hoped you were mine. And Taehyung wanted me to change Y/n as well, and I changed Hoseok to save his life, all of you would have most likely killed him."

You flicked your eyes to Taehyung, glaring at him with as much hate as you could before you whispered, "You kidnapped me, and then turned me into a monster?" His eyes widened, and he gulped, before Jungkook stepped in front of him, growling at you so low that you could feel the table shake slightly. A split second later, Hoseok was in front of you, growling right back at Jungkook and reaching a hand behind him to rest protectively on your shoulder. "It's alright Hobi, Jungkookie doesn't scare me in the slightest," you said in a low voice, running a finger along he wrist. He stopped growling but didn't move.

Jungkook also stopped growling, evidently surprised by your words. Taehyung peaked at you around both of them, but you just leaned back and scooped your glass out of the air and took a sip. You wondered why you could control air but didn't feel like overthinking it right now. "So, why did you want to turn me into a monster, Taehyung?" you asked, still using that low voice, and running your finger back and forth over Hobi's wrist to keep him calm. Taehyung gulped again, and glanced up at Jungkook's back, before answering.

"Uhh, well... I thought we could keep having the... fun... we were having before, I didn't realize you would be so strong... or scary..." he trailed off and glanced at Jin, but Jin didn't seem to be listening. He was too absorbed in Namjoon. "So," you replied, taking a sip from your glass before continuing, "You did this to me, just so you could keep sleeping with me, but now that I'm too strong for you to take advantage of, you're... what?" you asked, looking at him with genuine curiosity.

Hoseok tensed up again instantly when he heard your words and hissed in a low voice, "When the fuck did you sleep with her?" Before Taehyung could answer, you purred, "When they kidnapped me on Friday." You didn't even know you could made your voice that smooth. Maybe it was a vampire thing. "You're the ones who kidnapped her?!" Hoseok growled, tightening his grip on your shoulder before continuing, "Yoongi will kill you. And if he doesn't, I will." You ran your nail gently down the vain in forearm, trailing the faint blue line from his wrist a few inches to where it disappeared under his now milky skin.

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