Chapter 16

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Time skip: The Mansion, 7:30 pm, Jungkook's POV:

- Yoongi had been watching you from the second you walked into the kitchen, and he had looked incredibly pissed. You didn't know why, you hadn't done anything new to piss him off.

- But as soon as Chanyeol had pulled Y/n off to dance, he had disappeared and taken her somewhere. Chanyeol had just looked confused, but Hoseok had lost it. He had looked shocked for about two seconds, and then snarled loudly and hit the counter so hard that the stone cracked.

- You had followed him at full speed, as he went around to every room in the house before ending up back in the kitchen, where he was now growling and pacing back and forth, the others staring at him in surprise.

- Sehun gave you a bewildered look, but you just said quietly, "They aren't here."

- "Where the fuck did he take her?" Hoseok hissed, rounding on you and glaring before his eyes flicked to Namjoon.

- You were at a total loss and weren't even completely sure what had happened in the first place. "Hobi, breathe, it's just Yoongi it's not like she's in danger," Namjoon said in a reassuring voice as he took a step towards his friend.

- "Yoongi is the fucking problem, and you know exactly why," he hissed back, before smacking the counter and vanishing. "One if you go calm him down, we need to find them," Jongin said anxiously as he glanced at you.

- This was very bad. Jimin was already so upset, if something happened between Y/n and Yoongi, he might actually try to kill her this time. And Hoseok already looked like he was contemplating murder.

- "I'll go talk to him," Namjoon said and then vanished as well. "Jin can you find them again?" you asked, turning to Jin who looked completely stunned. "I... I don't know, they don't have phones anymore, Yoongi threw them in the river," he answered quietly.

- You ran a hand through your hair, trying to wrap your head around what just happened. "I think we were right," Jongin whispers, and you glanced at him and nodded.

Hoseok's POV:

- You were pacing back and forth across the bedroom you had been using, trying your best not to scream or snap the bedposts in half. Where the fuck did Yoongi take Y/n, and why?!

- You had already guessed why, he had been overly protective of her since all of you got here. That frustrating fact aside, you weren't sure what range your emotional manipulation had, and if it would hold when Y/n was away from you.

- The door opened quietly, and you spun around, snarling angrily at Namjoon as he walked in. "Hobi, where do you think they would have gone?" he asked, sounding infuriatingly calm, given that Yoongi had just essentially kidnapped Y/n right in front of him.

- "If it were me, I would have taken her home, but," you said angrily, but stopped mid-sentence. That's probably exactly where he had taken her! He would assume you would think it was too obvious of a place to even bother checking. You had to find Y/n before you lost your fucking mind.

- You ignored Namjoon's shout as you slid the window open quickly and jumped out, taking off full speed toward Yoongi's house.

Time skip: The Mansion, 7:40 pm, Jungkook's POV:

- "I am sick and tired of letting other people be with her! she isn't either of their mates, it's just stupid leftover human emotion!" Taehyung shouted at you from the other side of the room.

- "Tae, are you alright? You look furious," you asked hesitantly. You obviously weren't happy about Yoongi running off with Y/n, but you had no doubt you would get her back, so you weren't too worried about it.

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