Chapter 10

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 Tuesday, The Mansion, 9 am, Jungkook's POV:

- Last night had gone differently than you were expecting. After Hoseok had taken Y/n upstairs, Jin and Namjoon had followed pretty close behind them. You and Taehyung had been left in the dining room, feeling a little stunned by everything that had just happened.

- The two of you had quickly cleaned up and then just decided to call it a night and just went to bed. Now, you had quietly laid clothes outside the room that Y/n and Hoseok were in, Jimin and Jin could have care of the other two, and you walked back to the kitchen where Taehyung was making breakfast.

- "So, which one of them scares you the most?" Taehyung asked softly, turning to look at you as you walked in and giving you a brilliant smile. You were by his side in a flash, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your chin on his shoulder, hesitating momentarily before answering.

- "A tie between Y/n and Hoseok. I hate that emotional shit he does, but her choking thing didn't look great either. Now that I think about it, I also don't really want to be frozen." You whispered, chuckling a bit. He nodded just as you heard footsteps coming down the hall.

- You turned and Jin said, "Good morning boys!" as he and Namjoon walked in. At the moment, Namjoon's hair was a soft peachy-pink and his eyes were brown, but you weren't sure how long that would last. "Morning, lovebirds!" Taehyung replied happily, flashing his smile at them.

- "Is anyone else up yet?" Namjoon asked, holding tightly to Jin's hand, and you answered softly, "No, I don't think so. Nobody else has come down yet." He glanced at Jin before saying anxiously, "We should check on them, and make sure they're ok."

- Jin smiled sweetly at him and replied, "I'm sure they're just fine baby," just as two more sets of footsteps came from down the hall. You all turned as Yoongi and Jimin entered the kitchen, both grinning and holding hands.

- "I was right!" Jimin exclaimed happily, looking at Yoongi adoringly. He had dressed Yoongi in a red velvet jacket that looked striking with his black hair. You smiled at both of them and said, "That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you, Chimmie!"

- Yoongi smiled at him, and then turned to you and asked, "Yes, it is. But where's Y/n?" You hesitated, glancing nervously at Namjoon. You remembered him saying last night that Yoongi would kill him for being so protective over her, what would he do when he found out they slept together?

- "I think she's still sleeping," Taehyung said softly, not looking at him and focusing on cooking. Mating bond or not, Yoongi probably still loved Y/n, if not exactly in the same way. This situation could get ugly fast.

- Yoongi's eyes flicked around as he looked at all of you, and then he asked in a slightly lower voice, "Where is Hobi?" You took a deep breath and then replied, "Also not up yet." He looked at Namjoon, who was looking in the opposite direction, and growled softly.

- His head whipped around at the sound of more footsteps, and Hoseok and Y/n walked into the kitchen. Hoseok was wearing the suit you had left for him, but it didn't look like he had even tried to dress properly. His tie was very loose, the shirt was open at the neck, and his hair looked like he had just run his hands through it a few times.

- The hem of Y/n's black dress was fluttering, and she had her arm looped through his as she looked around at all of you. Her mismatched eyes were startling, and she smirked when she noticed you staring.

- Yoongi growled again, and a split second later, Hoseok had Y/n behind him and was glaring at Yoongi with his teeth bared, growling right back. You watched anxiously as Yoongi took a step forward and hissed, "What were you two doing, Hobi?"

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