Chapter 14

662 13 3

Tuesday, The Mansion, 8:15 pm, Jungkook's POV:

- After you had explained, with Namjoon's help, to Sehun and Jongin about Y/n, Yoongi, and Hoseok's strange dynamic, they seemed to better understand why the fight had escalated so quickly.

- Half an hour later, Jimin, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun had come down, and asked why the kitchen was such a mess. Sehun had explained about the fight, and Jimin had run off to go make sure that Yoongi was ok.

- To your shock, he had returned a minute later, shouting that he had checked every room in the house, and they were gone. Namjoon had frozen in apparent panic, but Taehyung had spun around in your arms and asked angrily, "Then where the hell did she go?!"

- Namjoon's hair switched to the same peachy-pink that it was at breakfast, his shirt changed as well, but you were too focused on Taehyung to pay much attention. "Why would Yoonji just leave me!?" Jimin exclaimed loudly, glaring at Jongin.

- "You already have a nickname for him? That's adorable," Baekhyun said quietly as he smiled at the floor, but Jimin glared at him and hissed, "Where the fuck is he? Jinnie, find him. NOW!"

- Jin had already pulled out his phone, and a few moments later, he said, "Joonie, give me one of their phone numbers please." Namjoon was still pink, and he recited a phone number from memory as Jin typed it into his phone.

- "We should have their location in a few minutes and we can go get them," he said calmly, looking up at Jimin. You looked back down at Taehyung who was breathing a bit heavily and staring at Jin's phone.

- You gave his waist a little squeeze and his eyes flicked to yours. He took a half-step forwards and leaned his head on your shoulder, but he was still facing in Jin's direction. "Their phones are dead or off, but I have their last location, some little apartment building, do you recognize it Joonie?" Jin said quickly as he showed Namjoon his phone.

- "Yeah, that's Y/n's old apartment. They are probably their because you all wouldn't know about it..." he replied, trailing off as his eyes widened and he looked at the floor.

- He changed to purple hair and blue eyes, but Baekhyun said, "Breath," in a very soothing voice, and he changed back to olive hair and the black shirt he had on before. "Good job," Baekhyun said softly and gave him a smile.

- "We have to go get them, now!" Jimin said angrily as he tried to grab Jin's phone out of his hand. Jin looked him in the eyes and said silkily, "You need to relax Jimin, go lie down and we will bring Yoongi back safely." He blinked on the words 'relax', 'lie down', 'Yoongi', and 'safely'.

- Jimin blinked, and then nodded before turning and walking out of the kitchen. Chanyeol shot him a look, but Jin snapped, "He was too angry, he would have been a liability and you know it." Chanyeol just sighed and put an arm around Baekhyun, not saying anything.

- You agreed with Jin, Jimin was too upset and would have probably just tried to start a fight with Y/n. "Who's going, 8 is too many. If all of us go they will just panic," Sehun said, looking anxiously at Jongin.

- "Jin, Jungkook, and I can go. We are strong enough to handle them," Chanyeol said calmly, looking at you for confirmation, and you nodded once. Taehyung growled softly, but you petted his hair gently and kissed the top of his head to calm him.

- You knew he would probably want to go, but they were most likely scared, and their untrained abilities made you uneasy. You didn't want him to get hurt, it was best if he stayed here. "We'll bring her back, don't worry baby," you said softly, and he relaxed against you.

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