Chapter 11

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Tuesday, The Mansion, 3pm, Your POV:

- You had been with Hobi in the same dark bedroom since Taehyung pulled you away during breakfast. The instant he had stopped in his room, you had thrown a gust of air at him so hard that it knocked him against the wall, and then pulled him up like a doll on a string.

- Your own power had surprised you, but the action was instinctive. And then Hobi was there, holding you in his arms. And you had felt his growl in his chest as he had glared at Taehyung. Your anger had faded instantly, his touch was like a balm for your anxiety.

- You had thought the others were protective, but they had nothing on him. And you loved him for it. You turned your head so that your ear was against his chest and looked up at his face, listening to his heartbeat.

- His eyes flicked down to yours as he trailed a finger over your cheek and down along your jaw. The corners of his mouth turned up, and his lips parted, forming a small smile.

- The bottom of your floor length dress was scrunched up around your knees, the soft cotton feeling so comforting against your skin. You sent a little breeze to ruffle his hair and he smiled wider, his finger running across your bottom lip.

- He was so gentle with you, it surprised you. He was always roughhousing with Yoongi or Joonie, and you had forgotten over the years just how soft and intimate he could be. You couldn't help but smile brightly as you look at him, and you felt his breath catch in his chest.

- His finger stopped moving and rested against your cheek, and he just stared at you, not breathing or moving at you smiled. Just then, you heard a soft knock on the bedroom door.

- As soon is opened, Hobi snapped out of his daydream or whatever it was, and instantly lifted you up. You were sitting back against the pillows as he crouched protectively in front of you before Jin even had the door fully open.

- "Ahh, sorry! You really need to relax, Hoseok!" Jin exclaimed, putting a hand on his chest in surprise at the sudden movement. "How can I relax when we are in a house with kidnapers?" Hobi hissed at him as Jin walked in with Namjoon close behind him.

- Jin ignored his question and waved his hand as he said, "Anyway, my brother and a few of my actual cousins are coming later this evening. They want to meet you all and will be staying here for a while to help you train."

- You ran your hand down Hoseok's back and sent a little breeze around his wrist. He relaxed instantly and slowly sat back against the pillows next to you, asking "Why, how many of them? And train for what?"

- Jin smiled and replied, "Just my brother and three cousins. And they will be helping train you to use your abilities properly." Hoseok shot a quick glance at you and asked, "Are they safe?"

- You rubbed small circles across his shoulder blades and Jin laughed and said incredulously, "Of course! I wouldn't let anyone dangerous in!" Hoseok coughed, but it sounded a lot like the word 'kidnappers'.

- "In any case," Jin continued, giving him a pointed look, "They are coming, and you need to behave properly and get along with the others when they are here." Hoseok glared at him and asked in a low voice, "Did you tell the others that?"

- Before Jin could answer, you spoke up and said in an irritated voice, "We haven't done anything wrong!" Hoseok looked at you as soon as he heard you and rested a hand on your knee. You felt a wave of tranquility wash over you, and you relaxed back against the pillows, smiling a little as you looked at him.

- He grinned at you adoringly, but Namjoon asked loudly, "What did you do to her?!" Hoseok closed his eyes momentarily and then looked away from you and replied, "She's fine, I just replaced her irritation with relaxation." It was true, you were totally fine, you just felt peaceful.

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