Chapter 15

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Wednesday, The Mansion, 10 am, Yoongi's POV:

- All of you had eaten breakfast in relative peace, and you were about to start your training. You weren't too fond of Jongin, considering he had almost stabbed Hobi yesterday, but at least it showed that he was competent.

- You tightened your grip on Jimin's hand a little as you looked over to where Y/n was talking quietly to that guy Chanyeol. Hobi was standing next to her with his arms crossed, looking about as annoyed as you felt.

- How had the two of them become best friends in less than 12 hours? And why didn't his mate care? Baekhyun was on the other side of the room with Namjoon, making his hair flash from red to silver so fast it hurt to look at.

- "Ok, Y/n, let's start," you heard Jin's brother say loudly as he and Jongin walked into the large room. Jimin stepped back from you, just as Jongin pulled water out of the air and sent a jet of it straight at you.

- You ducked and put your hands up, stopping the water in midair and forming it into a ball, before pushing it back at him. You heard Y/n hiss, and you quickly glanced at her to see that Sehun had pulled her off the ground and was holding her up the way she had held Taehyung yesterday.

- You growled at him, but out of nowhere a wave of water washed over you, soaking you completely. "Focus, Yoongi!" Jongin said with a smirk, and you pulled every drop of water off you and froze them before sending them flying back at him.

- Suddenly, you felt your anger double, and you shot a glance at Hobi and Chanyeol, both of whom were looking at you intently. Hobi must be practicing on you, but you were so furious that all you could focus on was trying to drown Jongin.

- He pulled your ice crystals together, forming a crazy spear thing, and then threw it back at you. On instinct, you pulled water out of the air and froze it in the shape of a shield around your forearm, just in time to shatter the spear before it hit you.

- Out of nowhere, you heard a dog start barking, and you hurled a jet of steaming water at Jongin before looking over and seeing a little silver puppy sitting next to Namjoon. That must have been what Jungkook meant when he said Baekhyun was a special kind of shapeshifter.

- You looked the other way, just as Sehun was pulled up into the air, hanging by one ankle as Y/n glared at him from where he held her. You felt your anger increase again, and turned back to Jongin, snarling at him and narrowing your eyes.

- You melted your shield and pulled more water out of the air, forming a solid wall of it that you pushed at him with all of your strength. He wasn't quick enough to doge it, and you grinned as it washed over him.

- You heard Hobi chuckle, and Jongin growled at you. He caught you off guard as he pulled water out of the air all around you, forming a whirlpool that spun you around, disorientating you completely.

- After spinning for a few seconds, you heard Y/n's muffled voice say, "Come on Satang! You can do better than that!" The sound of her private nickname for you brought you back to your senses.

- You snarled and pushed the whirlpool away from you, dropping back to the ground on one knee, before freezing the water from Jongin's whirlpool into a wall, and throwing it at him so hard that he fell backwards and just stayed on the ground grinning at you.

- You were breathing heavily, and you felt your anger fade away as he said, "That was very impressive for a first lesson!" At that moment, you heard a thump and a hiss, and looked next to you to see Sehun pressed against the wall, and Y/n floating towards him, looking furious.

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